View Full Version : Is this setup OK?

10-25-05, 06:02 PM

This is my setup for my Blood python. I have an IR bulb on the right side, which is the warm side, and a smaller nightglo bulb on the left side which is the cool side. I have cardboard over the screen top to try and hold in humidity until I get a piece of plexi cut to go over it. I have a reptiglo 2.0 flourescent bulb on top for UVA and UVB. Should the plexi go under that too, or will it mess up the UV rays? I am going to have holes cut for the heat lamps to go through in the plexi. I was wondering, I have my UTH, and both bulbs plugged into my thermostat untill I can get a second T-stat for the cool side, will the lights coming on and off stress out the snake? I am thinking no because they cant see red and blue lights right? Anyway, the cool side usually doesnt use a bulb, but it got colder than expected for this time of year, and I thought it would be better off with a light on the cool side to keep it above 72F!! Some hints and opions would be greatly appreciated.

10-25-05, 11:19 PM
Looks good to me, for now anyways. Personally the only thing I would change is another hide on the cooler side. Something simple like a cereal box or a shoebox works well. Do you have any way to test the humidity in the enclosure? I would highly recommend it. Spray the substrate with a water bottle every couple of days to keep humidity up b/c those heat lamps/bulbs burn up humidity like a mofo~! ;) Other than that, keep it up and get that plexi top asap ;)


10-26-05, 05:57 PM
The volcano doubles as a hide, you cant see becuase I was a little buzzed when I took the pic, and it came out blurry, (couldnt tell last night though!! LOL!!). I have to get a timer for the volcano to use it as a full time humidifier, I mist 3 times a day, and I have a stick on analog gague for humidity. I try to keep it at least 60%, but its getting tough since I had to add the other bulb for the cool side.

10-26-05, 06:19 PM
Looks like you are set than man~! Keep us posted and take some pics of the little guy~! ;)
