View Full Version : Suggestions for 1st boa

10-19-05, 09:53 AM
Hey, looking into getting a boa to add to my collection, looking for something for an intermediate keeper that tops out no bigger than 5 or 6 feet. Not interested in sand or rosy boa's (too small), around $250 or so. Is there something out there that meets my intrest...any suggestions???

10-19-05, 10:20 AM
go for a dumeril's, they get around 6 feet, and are pretty thick bodied. mine have awesome disspositions and dont seem to mind being handled at all. they grow pretty slow, and are very reasonable $$$ wise.


10-19-05, 10:38 AM
I think Emerald Tree boas are beautiful animals. They dont get wide bodied, will cost a little more than $250 and will take more reaserch than buying a Dumeril's, however it will be an
extremely attractive addition to your collection. Very beautiful and interesting snake, just a suggestion. good luck!

10-19-05, 12:34 PM
Not sure an Emerald would be a good first boa. First off their temperment is probably not what he is looking for. I may be wrong, but by his asking for a managable size it would seem he wants to be able to manage his pet.

I would second the Dumeril boa recommended above. They are lovely snakes. Another suggestion would be a hog island. They are a little nippy as babies but rarely strike out (not that it hurts at that young of an age) and calm significantly the first year. Also, most male central americans will stay within the size you are looking for. Some beautiful Nicaraguans out there.

10-19-05, 01:02 PM
I say rainbow not as much work as some say

10-19-05, 07:30 PM
Not sure an Emerald would be a good first boa. First off their temperment is probably not what he is looking for. I may be wrong, but by his asking for a managable size it would seem he wants to be able to manage his pet.

I would second the Dumeril boa recommended above. They are lovely snakes. Another suggestion would be a hog island. They are a little nippy as babies but rarely strike out (not that it hurts at that young of an age) and calm significantly the first year. Also, most male central americans will stay within the size you are looking for. Some beautiful Nicaraguans out there.

Yeah, you are right. I will second the Rainbow boa, Brazilian I hope right?

10-20-05, 01:42 AM
i just got a brb over the last weekend and so far it's amazing, doesn't mind handling and has already sucked down a fuzzy (as of this evening). my fave snake so far that i've ever owned, hopefully it stays that way.

10-20-05, 07:13 AM
Congrats on the BRB. They are beautiful. On my wish list.

10-20-05, 07:40 PM
how come no one has mentioned common boa constrictors? they are the cheapest, most readily available, and easiest to care for of the boas. if you get a male it will stay relatively small (5-7ft). good luck:)

10-20-05, 10:24 PM
For the size you mentioned, and depending on your experience and overall outcome on keeping this boa these are a few choices from easy to more complex husbandry keeping.

Hog Isle Boa (size is just right and loads of character).
Amazon Tree Boa (a bit more aggressive but come in many color variations).
Rainbow Boa (Brazilian, Guyanan and etc, more experience needed especially because of humidity requirements).
Emeral Tree Boa (a classic in any collection, a just leave and worship snake as art, and requires more experience due to its needs overall from other choices).


10-21-05, 10:55 AM
I was under the impresson that emeralds were very expensive...im going to research the suggestions you guys have given me, thanks!!

10-21-05, 11:52 AM
emeralds are very expensive and not the easiest to care for. i also recently got a brazilian rainbow boa, just a teeny tiny little thing. i was told they are nippy but mine isnt at all, just a little shy and eats every time i feed her. iv noticed their prices drop almost every time i go to a reptile how. one awesome snake is hog island boa which i'v always wanted to own. they stay small and seem easy to care for. most male bci's also stay pretty small. they are definetly my favorite but you still never know how big there going to get and they can get pretty big. do lots and lots of research on every thing you think of and good luck.

10-21-05, 09:23 PM

Yes ETBs are the most expensive boa from the mention list, but well worth it if you want to own a boa collection. Never and I strongly state this ever buy a cheap one that is most likey not CB by anyone. There are more than enough breeders in North America that produce them and stand by there animals. The risk of getting a cheap one will only destroy your entire collection and enjoyment of your hobby. Better to save up get the real thing with less hassle then bargain hunt the cheap ones. In Canada they range from $600.00 each and up, but if you do your reseach on who your buying it from you will not even think twice on the price.


10-21-05, 09:38 PM
Even more choices, good luck!

10-21-05, 10:51 PM
i say go with a dumeril boa they are by far my favourite boa they do stay a good size like mentioned i worked for a breeder for a few years who had a pair and over the time got to handle feed and do all of that with there dumerils and recently about 6 months ago bought my self one and it is definetly my favourite snake in my collection. and they are a very docile snake.

11-02-05, 04:45 AM
Hey im new to this site,ummm is a Dumerill good for a first boa? ive had 1 snake b4, a cali king snake