View Full Version : video files of snakes eating i would like to see

10-17-05, 10:50 PM
this might not be the right forum i guess, but i would like to see any vids of snakes eating

10-18-05, 07:25 AM
Do you have snakes? Why do you want to see videos? I really hope it isn't expecting to see a "real live snake" killing and eating a "real live rat". Hopefully there aren't that much of those around here. It seems when looking at your history that is all you are interested in. If it is, your a sicko!!

10-19-05, 02:51 PM
i do not have a snake sadly, but i would want to get one cause i really like snakes, also is there any yawning videos about, i still find it quite amazing how wide there mouth can go

10-19-05, 03:07 PM
Is it a live feeding your wanting to see? My fear is that you are looking to get a snake to feed live. If you are considering getting any kind of snake then that would be a bad idea. Maybe if you posted more about why you wanted to see a video.

10-19-05, 05:51 PM
i agree with hbwright if all your interested in is feeding it then. dont get one

10-20-05, 08:51 PM
i dun really wanna c em just eat, but it`s intrusting in the way there eat, i do have a fondness for snakes i have no idear why but i do

10-20-05, 10:29 PM
I'm pretty sure if he wants to see a snake simply yawning then he has a legitimate interest in snakes...I can see where you guys are coming from though.