View Full Version : Internal parasites problem
My kingsnake had a Internal parasites problem,she lost weight and puke anything she ate for 1 month.
i gave her a medicine and now she don't puke.
but her feces looking from the out side normal but the inside is 90%hair and abit bones! not a normal feces and now my new Pituophis that is next to her have this feces now too. in the last two meals,she came with normal feces after eating.
what can i do about it? is it any problem?
BTW the king snake is 760G
and the Pituophis is 2100
10-17-05, 01:26 PM
Not sure what you are asking exactly, but in reguards to regurging have some points. You state it regurged everything it ate for a month? How many times did you feed it during this month? In the case of a regurge lets say the snake eats weekly as it should be. You feed it & it regurges. You should wait at least 10 days to 2 weeks before offering it food again & then only offer it a small meal compared to what it would normally get. Then the following week if it had no problems after the small meal, try a regular size meal (not a big one). In the case of any regurge if you continue to feed it too soon after it will continue to regurge its meals. I beleive this to be the case here? After a regurge a snake needs time to rebuild its stomach fluids etc. & if you continue to feed it "regularily" after a regurge it will regurge again & again until it finally regurges itself to death if you allow it to. Very important to wait at least 10 days to 2 weeks after & then only offer a very small meal & work it back up to bigger meals as it recovers from the regurge. Make sure it has access to lots of fresh water as well as regurges severely dehydrate the snake & can lead to its death. How do you know it had internal parasites? You went to the vet & had a fecal done? Or was this an assumption based on the fact it regurged? Regurges can be casued by many things such as too large of a meal, a meal too soon after another, temps too hot or too cold, too much handling right after a meal. I'm not sure but in reguards to the bones in the feces it sounds like the snake hasn't got its stomach fluids built back up enough to properly digest the size meals you are giving it. Could also be the temps are too cold for it to properly digest it as well. I would look at husbandry conditons & the size of prey fed & the frequency of feedings as they could very well be the cause of all of this. I'd stick with smaller meals & make sure they have been digested properly before offering further meals. Mark
P.S. if you provide more info such as cage temps hot & cold sides, dates of meals & of regurges & what the meals were etc. folks here will be able to help more effectively.
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