View Full Version : Ideas for Natural Habitat Decor

12-06-02, 03:59 PM
I adopted a red tail boa about a year ago. My fiance is the one who wanted her however he has decided she's not the snake for him. However she's my perfect match. She came with a 55 gallon tank, a dog bowl and a brick. This past week I invested in a 260 gallon size reptarium. I did my research and learned the pros and cons however I chose to purchase one since the cons I believe are fixable. I have it tall, so it stands 6 feet. I want to create a natural environment. The problem I'm having now is finding a small tree at least 4 feet tall to add to my reptarium. I need something she can climb. She's 5 and a half feet and about 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. Any suggestions?
Also, what is your opinion regarding humdifiers you add to the cage . At this point she has her own room (small bathroom), I mist her daily and I have her heat source shining down on her water tub for extra moisture in the air. Is there anything else I can do?
Lastly, how would you test or know if your snake is healthy or not.

12-06-02, 08:04 PM
She doesnt need all that much humidity, the humidity in your house should be fine for her :) I would suggest going into a forest and cutting down some live hard wood and then cleaning it off real good.. or you can find dead wood or drift wood, but i would advice steralizing the dead stuff... You oculd also put some big rocks and stuff in there with her.. she will pretty much enjoy anything you put in there with her :)

Them and Us
12-06-02, 08:21 PM
Jeff how would you sterilize something that large as i normally put my outdoor stuff in the oven to kill germs. i found a large stick that won't go in the oven but is perfect for my enclosure for my bci.