View Full Version : Help! Need tattoo pic.!

10-05-05, 08:07 PM
I haven't been here for awhile, but I need help finding the pic. I wanted for my first tattoo. It was actually someone's avatar here, before the site changed, and of course I forget who it belonged to. It was two snakes coiled into a knot, and in the center was a very light letter, I think it was "B". There was no color involved, and the snakes heads were top and bottom, appearing to swallow each tail. If anyone claims this, knows whom it belongs to, or can otherwise help me, I'd appreciate it. Of course, if it is an original drawing, permission to use it as my first tattoo would also be helpful. I would hate to step on any toes, but from the first time I came here, I knew it was what I wanted.
Thanks in advance.