View Full Version : I really need some help on this one? PLEASE!!

10-04-05, 09:01 PM
About six weeks ago I took my anerytheristic boa to my vet and he gave it some injection and a pain killer. He told me it needed it every day for seven days. By the end of the day he seemed more active, but on the third day he wouldn't move around, he was lifeless. And within a couple hours he started to i guess "seizure" and within 10 minutes he was dead. The vet tells me to go after the breeder for selling me a bad snake. I didn't but on saturday I took my salmon boa to the same vet because I was told by a friend the he had an inflamed lung and get him baytril. When i got to the vet i told him that and he looked at my snake and said yep. He gave him a injection and a painkiller. I took him home ad he was fine. I went to pick my husband up from work and when we got home he was dead. This all took place within two hours after leaving the vet. The salmon was also all twisted and had latched a tooth in the side of him. Does anybody know what could have possibly happened?

I took the salmon boa to the Uiversity of Guelph for a post mortem this morning, they told me it would take a couple of days for results. but they said that it is hard sometimes to check for certain drugs in snakes.

Can somebody please tell me what's going on cause all i know is that i'm pretty pissed off?????????????? :medstrung :medmashed :medbugged :dumb:

10-04-05, 09:11 PM
That is very bad sorry for this :medstrung I have a veterinary degree from europe .Tell please why you bring your snake to a vet and what was a symptoms you was worry about?And also what was this painkiller?

10-05-05, 02:42 AM
sorry to hear that im not sure what could have happened but what reptile experience did your vet have? i would say its from the vet but thats my guess hope you work everything out

10-05-05, 05:00 AM
I think it was the vets fault as well because it's just to ironic. When i phoned around looking for vets his receptionist told me that he specialized in reptiles and I'm pretty sure he went to Guelph University.

My salmon boa was in good health from my prospective, i've had him for 8 months and he has never shown signs of anything being wrong. All he had was this lump in his lung area. Also everyone that i've talked to already asked me if the vet took x- rays and i say "no" then thay ask how he knew what was wrong with him. I say that i told him that's what i heard was wrong and hw said "yep". Everybody says that it was wrong for him to diagnos my snake like that.

I do not know what the painkiller was because he just kinda did it and then told me.

Iv'e also been told by a few breeders that it was a drug overdose ?

10-06-05, 04:44 PM
Very sad news srry to hear about this.

What was the vets name?

He did indeed overdose thats for sure.

It's not going to bring the snakes back but i would take him to small claims court & make this public aswell so it does not happen to any other snake again.

Good luck keep us posted.

10-17-05, 06:38 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

I hope everything works out.
