View Full Version : aussie waters anyone?

10-04-05, 04:11 PM
Anybody got pics of ther australian water dragons? I cant get enough of these awesome critters. so please show some pics!

10-05-05, 11:05 AM
These are my two AWDs, a young male and female at 11 months old. They are both 21 inches long.

10-05-05, 04:18 PM
thanks, they look great! are they ever cute. Ide love to see pics of any big males.

10-05-05, 10:52 PM
I have a friend that has an adult male. I'm placing the link to his photos so you can see them. He, and his dragon, are in Australia.
Pigdog's photos (http://repticzone.com/photogallery/membersphotos.php/11802/Y/)

10-06-05, 01:30 PM
those were great! I love there black markings! there so beautiful, i cant understand why there not more popular in canada. I have to get some of those!

10-06-05, 01:53 PM
If I can remember where I saw it, there was an ad for an adult male in canada somewhere. She was wanting $100 for it. I'll look around and see if I can find it for you.

10-06-05, 09:47 PM
I found it. Look on the Reptile forum instead of this one under waterdragons. Her email addy is area_905@hotmail.com. Hope that helps.

10-07-05, 05:37 AM
thanks for the help, however Im in canada and she is in the states right? I really apreciate your help tho. :)

10-07-05, 01:07 PM
She is located in Toronto Canada.

10-10-05, 03:14 PM
OH..really? cool thanks

10-16-05, 08:08 PM
What kind of cage dimensions are required for these guys? I've always loved their colours.

10-16-05, 09:40 PM
My cage is 6 x 4 x 2, but it doesn't have to be that tall. 4 x 4 x 2 would be large enough. I should mention that they love to climb and spend more time on the wall or on the limbs than on the ground or in the water.

My cage for a 1.1 pair.


10-16-05, 09:42 PM
Awesome cage I love the aquarium bit at the bottom. Thanks for the quick reply. Very nice tank.

10-17-05, 12:25 AM
beautiful setup you have there!!

ANother thing about aussies from my experiance they've gotta be some of the hardiest most bulletproof reptiles out there. Get them past their flighty disposition as juvis and they're simply amazing.

10-17-05, 05:50 PM
I love that aquarium! that was cool! yeah i wonder why there not more common in canada