View Full Version : corn type?

12-06-02, 01:53 AM
Heres the some pic of my new corn again i was wondering if anyone knew exactly whate type of corn it is. Thanks

12-06-02, 02:08 AM
i can't say for sure but it looks like an amelanistic to me

12-06-02, 04:00 AM
Amelanistic or motley amelanistic to me....

A close up pic would help more

12-06-02, 06:52 AM
looks like a regular amel to me
to find out if it's an amel motley; just look at it's belly....with checkers, then it's a normal amel. Without checkers at all (plain belly) then it could be an amel motley or amel bloodred.

But real nice looking snake there~
good luck and happy herping~

12-06-02, 01:51 PM
i'm not sure, but I think amelanistic
