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10-02-05, 05:21 PM
Does anyone take very clear pictures of their snake? With Digital? What's the secret? How far from the snake? What kind of light is used besides a flash? I can't seem to get the colors on my Pastel and Albino to show up very well so that everyone can appreciate the their true beauty. The normals come out fine.

Any tips? :med8ball:

10-02-05, 10:10 PM

10-03-05, 09:51 AM
i have the same problem with my pictures. my cameras fine for taking pictures of other things but once it comes to reptile pictures you always get some flash reflecting off the animals and it makes them lose colour or if you dont use flash they look too pale :( any1 have any tips?

10-04-05, 12:29 PM
Outside, Cloudless day, in some shade. Works great, make sure the shade ur in is good shade no like shade from a tree, but make sure there is a sufficient ammounts of light around you. Good luck

10-05-05, 08:18 PM
out of the cage with thesun behind your back. :medcoolgu

10-05-05, 10:08 PM
I'll try those tips tomorrow (if it doesn't rain)!

Thanks all! :medbigsmi

10-06-05, 06:11 PM
in the cage causes glare from the flash

Big Mike
10-11-05, 11:13 AM
The biggest problem will be the flat/over powering light from the flash. The flash on most cameras is very close to the lens, this is what causes red-eye and flat lighting.

Either find a different light source (like the sun, or outdoor light, or just lamps etc) and turn off the flash...or at least turn it down, if your camera allows.

Make sure that you are at the right distance from your snake. Most cameras/lenses can't focus once they get too close. Macro mode will let you focus closer...but you still have to be aware of the minimum distance.

10-11-05, 01:20 PM
I use a piece of coffee filter over the flash. It dilutes the flash a bit so the colours don't get "washed out".

10-27-05, 10:24 AM
I use a piece of coffee filter over the flash. It dilutes the flash a bit so the colours don't get "washed out".

Good tip... Gotta try that one this weekend.