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10-01-05, 10:27 PM
i wonna see all of your bull snake pine snake gopher snake and fox snake pics
and any other large colubrid snakes

thanx froggy

10-02-05, 05:24 PM

Thread of my pine :D Check it out.

The Gawd
10-02-05, 11:00 PM
I wish we could legally own Fox Snakes... when i was 10 years old i caught a 9 footer... OMG it was my first time seing one and my first time seeing another snake besides garters, brown, and red-bellys, i caught it (cuz i didnt know the laws and the dangers) and it was in an area you wouldnt expect one to be, i talked to a friends uncle who said he hadnt herd of one in the area in a long time.... he said years like 20 or more, I live in Sarnia, and we have chemical valley..... i hate it..... the funny thing is i didnt know what it was... and i caught it thinking it was a rattle snake, because of how they react with their tail rattling and all.... wow was it an impressive snake.... it escaped out of my cage in my garage and dissapeared the next day... obviously for the better.... sorry no pics but wow....


10-06-05, 04:00 PM
I wish we could legally own Fox Snakes... when i was 10 years old i caught a 9 footer... OMG it was my first time seing one and my first time seeing another snake besides garters, brown, and red-bellys, i caught it (cuz i didnt know the laws and the dangers) and it was in an area you wouldnt expect one to be, i talked to a friends uncle who said he hadnt herd of one in the area in a long time.... he said years like 20 or more, I live in Sarnia, and we have chemical valley..... i hate it..... the funny thing is i didnt know what it was... and i caught it thinking it was a rattle snake, because of how they react with their tail rattling and all.... wow was it an impressive snake.... it escaped out of my cage in my garage and dissapeared the next day... obviously for the better.... sorry no pics but wow....

Elaphe vulpina: Legal in Ontario

10-06-05, 09:58 PM
awsome im buying some foxies lol

thanx froggy

The Gawd
10-06-05, 11:39 PM
I dont Think so, because the base it on the first two latin names Elaphe vulpina, And Elaphe vulpina gloydi is considerd the same, just to make things easier, because they wont be able to tell the difference at first glance... ect... If im wrong hey, cool let me know, anyone have proof? But any ways Elaphe vulpina gloydi(which live here) is protected and is illigle.


10-07-05, 04:30 AM
Most folks consider gloydi to be a species in its own right. It is difficult to tell westerns from easterns, saddle counts being ambiguous at times, but I believe that westerns are legal in Ontario.

This has been discussed here before and if I recall correctly R. M. Bolton said that vulpina should be legal as long as it is discernable from gloydi. I can't find the tread though and don't know that my memory can be trusted.

Perhaps some ministry-type fellow will see this thread and know for sure.

The Gawd
10-07-05, 08:55 PM
I understand what your saying but... The Ministry has so many animals to keep track of that counting saddles just isnt somthing they want to do...... And so they dont look any further than the first 2 latin names.... Im so calling the ministry if no one can awnser this..... anyone who knows anythin please help!!!! thanks.


10-09-05, 10:18 PM
The NHIC (http://nhic.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/nhic/species/listout.cfm?el=ar) seems to recognize gloydi as a species. From this I would assume that only Elaphe gloydi, and not Elaphe vulpine, is protected in Ontario. I can't be arsed to look for more info though, so this is just speculative.

The Gawd
10-10-05, 08:43 AM
Awsome Thank You

10-17-05, 11:38 AM
9 feet! Yikes! That's about 3 feet longer than the largest Easterns on record. Elaphe gloydi rarely exceeds 180 cm SVL (Eastern Foxsnake (http://www.speciesatrisk.gc.ca/search/speciesDetails_e.cfm?SpeciesID=587)).

The Eastern Fox Snake is referred to as Elaphe vulpina gloydi in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (Schedule 9: Specially Protected Reptiles). Collins (1997) recognizes two species of Foxsnake, the Eastern and Western (Elaphe gloydi and Elaphe vulpina, respectively). Of course, there is controversy over the taxonomic classification. The Eastern Foxsnake is recognized as a separate species in the Species At Risk Act (Elaphe gloydi); however, it is recognized as a subspecies of Elaphe vulpina in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. So it's anyone's guess.

The Gawd
10-17-05, 11:03 PM
Yeah i know it was huge..... I couldnt get an accurate measure ment so it was apx. I couldnt hold him still.... I researched it when i caught it..... and i knew that it was longer than the one on record.... I also talked to a buddies uncle who caught one that was longer, i cant remember what he said but i think if i remember correctly he caught around Lake Erie somewhere.... He said somthing about showing the ministry or somthing i dont quite remember.... and it was the longest ever found in the area, but i was young so...


10-18-05, 08:42 PM
ok ca some ppl plz post more pix

thanx froggy

10-19-05, 08:44 AM
Albino Bull.

Normal Bull.