View Full Version : Turtle hibernation

10-01-05, 12:38 AM
I own several adult eastern box turtles and three toed box turtles. They have been in my collection for over two years now. I was just wondering if anyone lets their box turtles naturally hibernate in an outdoor enclosure. I live in southern ontario and was just curious if the harsh canadian winters could be too tough on the little guys. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

10-18-05, 06:56 PM
I have three-toeds and an eastern, and I let them brumate in my basement which only goes down to 11 C in winter, but the eastern and three-toeds will bury themselves all winter long until the temps get to 14-15 C and when I put light on their pens.

As for keeping them outside, I would experiment with an accurate thermometer. Good luck and tell me your results.
