View Full Version : cooling and breeding

09-28-05, 02:08 PM
My basement is in the high 60's at the cool end. I wish to cool my corns prior to breeding. Is this temp satisfactory? What month do I start, and do I offer food? I thought I read somewhere that if your temps are between 55 and 60, don't offer food, but if temps are around 70, then offer small meals. When placing a pair together, someone mentioned to supervise; is there possible aggression or cannabilism?

Thanks, Paul.

09-28-05, 03:10 PM
Corns will usually breed without cooling. Mine always have. You don't need to supervise them when they are together, that is for king snakes. Corns can be left alone to do their thing. As for the temps, keep in mind that if the temps are too high, they will still be metabolizing, and thus will get very skinny and won't breed for you. If you can't get the temperature at 55-60 degrees, I'd say don't bother.

09-28-05, 03:30 PM
Also big risk to not have temps cool enough. If you can't get them to 50-55 F (60 tops) I wouldn't do it. You never offer any prey ever during brumation & stop feeding at least 3 weeks prior to any cooling. Keeping/feeding your snakes at 70 F will result in regurges & snakes with food rotting their guts out as well as respitory disorders. Beginning of Nov is a good time to start brumation, but if you can't get the temps low enough don't do it as it will likely make your snakes sick. When their metabolism is slowed so is their ability to fight infections etc. once temps get cold enough though most of the nastys can't survive. If the temps are low enough to slow the snakes defensives, but not cold enough to kill "nasties" you will have problems with sick snakes. Mark

09-28-05, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the helpful info,