View Full Version : Need help desingning an OUTDOOR enclosure

09-27-05, 07:15 PM
OK, heres the deal:

my mom in no way wants a blacksnake inside the house...even though i already have a milk snake!!!...she has heard stories of how my dad had one and it got out...yada yada

well i have a deck and underneath it there is plenty of room where i could build a cage to enclose a black rat snake

well i was wondering how big....and what material I should use....to make it escape-freee and healthy for a potentially a 7 foot snake

Do i need heating....how??(since its outdoors)..

The deck will prevent some rain.....but it still drips through the cracks...how do i make the cage so it does not get soked and ruin the substrate

ANY help is awesome....this will be a good project!!!!


09-27-05, 09:20 PM
rain + heating elements = dead snake

09-27-05, 10:43 PM
This really doesn't sound like a situation that would work, no matter what at some point the snake would have to come inside when the weather starts to get colder. You'd be looking at probably a 4-5 month max time frame for the snake being outside. The work to make the area escape proof as well as intruder proof would be huge.

09-28-05, 06:50 AM
You live in an area that gets and stays too cold for that to really work out right. See about getting a small building if you plan on keeping snakes....then you could heat / cool the building and it would work. Sorry your plan is falling through......

09-28-05, 11:16 AM
What it sounds like to me is that you are putting YOUR needs before the needs of the snake. Housing it outside will kill it. Why not just respect the wishes of your parents and wait until you live on your own, instead of being selfish and putting your wants ahead of the animal's needs?

09-28-05, 07:01 PM
chill dude.
I was just seeing if it could work out.

Dont see anything selfish about it......anyway thanks for the help guys, i guess it wont work out
