Greg West
09-27-05, 03:47 PM
We are having a reptile symposium on October 16th, 2005
We have 6 confirmed speakers and the times will be posted at a later date for specific speaker times
The whole thing will be held at the Ogden Legion Auditorium from 10-6
The speakers are as follows:
Dan Uremovic - Boa Genetics and Breeding
Pat Wise - topic to be confirmed
Stan Schultz - Arachnids
Dave Bethel - Maintining an effective quarantine
Leticia Materi - The Top 10 Reasons Why Reptiles Visit the Vet
Reg Ernst - Lethbridge Rattlesnake Conservation Project
TARAS members and the general public are welcome to attend so please help us get the word out about the symposium
Go to for more information to be posted
Greg West
TARAS President
We have 6 confirmed speakers and the times will be posted at a later date for specific speaker times
The whole thing will be held at the Ogden Legion Auditorium from 10-6
The speakers are as follows:
Dan Uremovic - Boa Genetics and Breeding
Pat Wise - topic to be confirmed
Stan Schultz - Arachnids
Dave Bethel - Maintining an effective quarantine
Leticia Materi - The Top 10 Reasons Why Reptiles Visit the Vet
Reg Ernst - Lethbridge Rattlesnake Conservation Project
TARAS members and the general public are welcome to attend so please help us get the word out about the symposium
Go to for more information to be posted
Greg West
TARAS President