View Full Version : help....new snake!!!

09-26-05, 04:46 PM
I just got a 5 or5.5 foot rat blacksnake from someone.......what is the minimum size cage you can keep one in??

I have a 29 gallon high.........is this way to small or will it work???



09-27-05, 12:43 AM
Rat snakes are rather active little critters so I would recommend a larger cage.

You could certainly keep him alive and healthy in that enclosure for a short while but it wouldn't really be fair for snake. Also, a larger cage in which the snake can move more freely and behave more naturally would mean a MUCH more interesting pet for you.

09-27-05, 09:52 AM
They get big. Up around 8 feet long. I wouldn't consider keeping a black rat in anything smaller than 4X2 in the long term.