View Full Version : What turtle/Toroise do you have?

09-22-05, 10:29 AM
Just wondering what type's of turtles everyone has out there.....

So far, I just have one.......a captive bred Central American Ornate Wood Turtle. Just a hatchling.

Ken from Markham

09-22-05, 02:45 PM
I have 5 red ear sliders, 1 map, 2 red foot torts and on african spur thiegh tort too ... i love em all!

09-22-05, 08:04 PM
: ) heh, I was wondering when someone would ask this....
The following is a combined collection of my own chelonians and a friends...
(just so there's no confusion, 1.1 means 1 male and 1 female and 0.0.1 means 1 unsexed juvenile)

-2.9 Redfoots
-1.0.2 Cherry-head redfoots
-1.1 Leopards
-4.3 Russians
-1.0.1 Sulcatta (the male is a 60lb er)
-1.1.1 Greeks (regulars)
-0.0.1 Golden Greek
-0.0.2 Hermanns
-1.1 Forstens
-0.0.1 Star
-0.0.2 elongateds-soon to come : )

-1.2 R.E.S
-1.1 Mississippi Maps
-0.1 Florida Redbelly
-1.1(we think) Alligator Snappers
-1.1 Common Snappers
-2.2 Pink-belly sidenecks
-1.1 Diamond Back Terrapins
-1.2 Chinese box turtles
-1.1 Three-toed box turtles
-2.2 Eastern Box turtles
-1.1 Central American Wood Turtles
The above are most of the animals in our chelonian collection at this time, we've had many other species come and go in the past.

The Gawd
09-23-05, 08:14 AM
Once again Nice Collection Andrew, 3.15 res, 0.1 yellow belly cooter, 1.0 yellow belly slider, 1 lone Russian Male, Still Needs A mate!!!! And SilkLady just so you know painted turtles are illigel to own in Ontario, they are indigenious, and any thing indigenious is protected.


09-23-05, 08:28 AM
Great collections! Could it be that Silklady has a Southern Painted Turtle?
Are those able to be kept? Just yesterday I received this from a contact....
"next week, we'll have Southern Painted Turtle babies $99.99/each-CB"

Sounded interesting!

09-23-05, 09:36 AM
eeks ... did i say painted? I ment to say a map turtle, it was given to me last year ... the person who gave it to me got it from a pet store 5 years ago. any ways ... just wanted to clear that up ... see ya!

The Gawd
09-24-05, 10:44 AM
heheheeehe i hope so.... dosent matter if its captive bred or not or what sub species of painted turtle it is because all they look at is the first 2 latin names, Chrysemys picta, to avoid confusion the dont look any further, I so wish captive bred were allowed to tho because they really are my favorite turtle, i caught and released so many as a kid, untill i realized how bad that was, now i just love to watch them in their natural setting sunning, and eating, couple months ago i saw a pair mating:) so cool.......


Them and Us
10-05-05, 02:17 PM
lets see some pics!!!!!!

10-05-05, 02:27 PM
I have 0.1 3 toed box turtle with a couple more on the way shortly

10-06-05, 09:24 AM
i have 1.0 eastern box turtles..... this spring i will be buying up every box turtle i can find so an of you that want to sell yours off or will have babies please drop me a line

10-19-05, 05:04 PM
1.1 RES
0.0.1 Juvinile Logger Head musk Turtle

10-25-05, 08:46 AM
0.0.2 Florida Box Turtle (CB)
0.0.2 Pinkbelly Sidenecks (CB) Getting more.
0.0.1 Fly river Turtle
0.0.5 Chinese Box Turtle

10-26-05, 07:30 AM
0.1 yellowfoot tortoise

second skin
11-23-05, 10:30 PM
tortsme I cant believe you have 40 + turtles and torts
thats insane

11-24-05, 03:00 PM
Well, I can't take all the credit, I personally own about half that list and a friend I work with owns the other half.


11-29-05, 07:22 AM
I have: 7 breeding pairs (red-eared sliders)
3 ornate box turtles
2 alligator snappers
2 florida snappers
2 redfoots
and 5 baby red ears left (for sale)

11-29-05, 08:21 AM
0.0.1 pink belly short neck so cute want more
http://storage.msn.com/x1psfed3abLbsdheyrAGrwXS8EnjVFt0zyF48dxDiQa-dEEFtolh0AqSr9YccXIHyeYOJfSEScooSox8GAQMPLek8Mc4ny 8dftPZPVETK6Phzd6Mln2xwiO93KeUs5rNBw6NMJ9Q9FyBoWR-EEmGfv9Xg

11-29-05, 06:39 PM
i've got a yellow bellie and one res :)

Thats enough for me!!!!

....well oke... maybe a redfoot in the future ^^

12-13-05, 04:43 PM
I have 0.1 RES, 1.0.1 Eastern River Cooter's and 0.0.1 Eastern Box Turtle and always looking for more!! Especialy EBT's

12-20-05, 09:46 AM
Well, I've added a hatchling Reeves turtle to my list.
Found the "honeypot" of turtle stores.
Last check on the weekend they had.........
Fly River Turtles
Reeves hatchlings
Asian Yellow Pond
Chinese softshell
RES babies

Write me if your interested in the store. I've got my baby Reeves to add to my adult Reeves in hopes of a pair eventually, so I can now divulge my source. lol
