View Full Version : Little help please

12-05-02, 03:58 PM
OK so I am building an enclosure. Just wanna check something first.

If I am using Plywood can I use 1/2 inch or should I use 5/8 ??

also I think I know this but just incase -- I can stain it then coat it coat it with like minwax poly ??

Anything I am missing or any tips would be nice


12-05-02, 07:27 PM
1/2" or 5/8" will work.

12-05-02, 08:32 PM
Yup, you are on the right track. Most people use Minwax poly for their enclosures.

If you are using plywood, make sure that it is not the treated outdoor type; they offgas and it could be bad for your reptile.

12-05-02, 08:50 PM
Yup minwax poly is perfect just make sure you buy the water base clear because the oil is toxic to your reptiles until it is fully curred and it also takes a long time for it to cure. The water base cures in 24hr and is non toxic!

hey i wen't through minwax product knowledge course 2 weeks ago and that was my first question for them lol