View Full Version : I need help

09-17-05, 11:44 AM
i got a 3.5 foot male amel corn snake 1 month ago and he has shed 2 times but has not eaten and wont eat. i try live and hje is afraid of it i try pk and he doesnt bother and ft and he acts like it isnt even there. some advise please

09-19-05, 02:13 PM
Put the snake in with a F/T mouse in a very small container relative to his size. Put him in a dark, warm place (closet or something) and leave him overnight. Otherwise, try fresh killed.

09-19-05, 02:44 PM
Mites? 2 sheds in a month for a snake not eating makes me think mites are a possibility.

09-19-05, 04:20 PM
If it was mites, you should be able to see them. Usually when a snake has mites, they are in their water dish contstantly. When you remove them, you'll see dead mites floating around, they are like little black specks.

09-29-05, 09:02 PM
Try braining, when feeding frozen pre killed after thawing poke a hole in the mouse's head then squeeze a little until yellow secretion comes out, then place in snake's habitat...