View Full Version : just curious......

12-05-02, 01:57 PM
Just wondering, how many of you GTP owners actually bought this snake as your first snake??? and how did/ or has it gone?

I eventually want to be a fellow proud owner of one but for now just want to soak in as much info (and save $$$$$) untill I think Im experienced enough to deal with caring for one.

Oh yeah, and how many actually interact with there GTP??? meaning not just kept as a show peice, as that's not what Im interested in. Thanks. dvs

12-10-02, 10:36 AM
No one wants to bite huh??? So am I right in assuming that GTP's are only for looking? and not touching???

In my opionion it's the most beautiful snake there is.... (or that I've seen) and I would luuuuv to be able to keep one, but I don't want one just for show.... I want one that I will be able to tame and interact with ( meaning actually handle him/her).

Is this snake only for show????? does anyone handle there's? Hope someone has a minute to give there opinion, thanks.

12-10-02, 10:47 AM
ok, i guess I'll reply, but Im no GTP expert.

IMO, it isnt a beginner snake, and i would not recommend one for a first snake, they are sometimes difficult to handle are very nippy usually.

they are more of a show peice and typically dont like to be handled often. People do handle them, but you should expect to get bit alot.

I really would recommend you start with a few easier to care for snakes, like corns or milks or some easier boids.
GTPs arent a good choice for a first.....i know they are beautiful, but try to resist while you get some experence with other snakes first

good luck with it, let us know how it goes

12-10-02, 11:01 AM
Hey, thanks for that....... yeah I know there not a good first or beginer snake, I was just wondering if anyone here has done it...... I plan on getting some experience first, I just got my first carpet about a month ago ( love that little guy) and I've always been exposed to snakes since I was little with cousins and uncle's who kept there own, so there not totally new to me. But eventually I'd like to have a little collection and hopefully a GTP will be part of it..... I just wanted to see how many people actually tamed there's enough to handle freely.... but I guess there's not very many.

Anyone else???? don't need to be an expert.... just looking for people's experiences, thanks.

dave allan
12-10-02, 07:02 PM
hi dvs,
i have 2 green trees,
a bokondini that i've had since he was 6 months old [2 years old now], always been able to handle him freely and has never sunk teeth into me.
here he is 5 months ago.

and a female biak, 2.5 years old, that was always striking when i bought her a year and a half ago but free handle her all the time now without teeth marks.
here she is earlier today for a photo.

if you handle them when they're young, they'll be fine, just be patient taking them off their perch or better yet have a removable perch, and let them explore at their own pace with less stress. small gtp's are very fragile, do not force them off a perch.

as long as you keep proper heat and humidity levels and not feed overly large prey items when they're young, i've found that my gtps have been easy to care for and fascinating to own, especially during the colour changes!

hope that helps out.

12-11-02, 12:09 PM
Hey Dave, thanks that's what I was looking for....... which of the 2 types to you perfer or recomend??? and what kind of prices should I be looking at for $600-$1200???? At the last show I went to this lady had one for $350.... why do you think so cheap? WC maybe??? really mean??? thx.

12-11-02, 12:51 PM
ive never owned a gtp but i am currently in a 3 month research/cage construction phase in order to prep. for a gtp. I would say that www.chondroweb.com RULES. greg maxwell's gtp site has more information than some gtp books ive read. he makes good sense when he talks about the gtp not being a difficult snake to keep as long as you understand and can meet thier specific requirements. also "You are not shopping for the right animal nearly as much as you are looking for the right breeder!" I even think that a gtp could be a first snake as long as you are a smart individual (common sense!), devote an extremly large amount of time to research BEFORE you get the snake, have the money to support a gtp, become highly involved in the gtp community and spend some time handling other snakes in the meantime. Having a cage setup and running for a few weeks before you get the snake is a good idea if the gtp is your first snake.

i guess i wouldnt recommend a gtp as a first snake...but i really do think it could be done in a successful manner given the right individual and the right gtp.

12-11-02, 01:08 PM
I used to go over to the condro site but sadley Im on a PC at my job and for some reason there forums are under the company's restricted list (don't ask why, I don't know) so most of my info comes from the wonderful people here and all the old threads (which I've been through more then once).

dave allan
12-11-02, 01:42 PM
i love the bokondini, but looks are an individual thing, some people like high white aru gtps, but i prefer the solid blue stripe and the red eyes.

mine was a farm hatched baby from herpfauna, brought in by 'all things reptilian' up here, talk to d&j http://www.**************/dnj/ if you're interested in farm hatched locality animals.
i don't know anyone in the states breeding bokondinis.
i wouldn't hesitate buying another farm hatched animal, mine ate 2 days after it arrived and has been one of the easiest pythons i've ever cared for.
but i would always buy cb if given the choice.
you have the luxury of buying gtps in the states and as escm said find a quality breeder with stunning adults and then pick a baby.

gtps going for $350 are probably either wc or non-feeding babies.

i haven't looked at pricing in the states but i would say a well started baby from a good breeder would be $700+

12-11-02, 02:05 PM
The 350 dollar gtp looked like your biak as far as coloring and was already a pretty good size...... the 350 dollar price kinda scrad me away from even asking any questions since it just didn't seem right.... plus I deffinitly want to get one as a baby.

Anyone else know of any good breeders here in the U.S. that I can start looking into???? seems that I won't be needing to save as long as I first thought so it's basically just a matter of learning what I can ( any books I should know of???) and setting up an enclosure........ I origanally was going to wait a while before I got another snake but it seems to get harder and harder by the day.

12-11-02, 02:25 PM
well chondroweb has a breeders list but i guess you cant get to that can ya hehe...bummer. lets see..


and of course greg maxwells but his site is hosted on chondroweb...id suggest surfing from your house or a library when you get a chance and checking out chondroweb's breeder list.

P.S. - Dont you think about snatching up 02063 from signal....that lil ******* is SO gunna be mine :p im also fairly interested in the $500 clutch from greg maxwell...KILLER price on some snakes from one of the best breeders...

12-11-02, 02:58 PM
he he... why is it that when people tell you not to do something it makes you wanna do it more???? Don't worry, I won't be buying anything anytime soon ( within 3 months) so he/she's all yours.

Thanks for the links

12-11-02, 03:00 PM
what made you pick 02063 from the rest????

12-11-02, 03:13 PM
well in generall its pretty hard to tell what the end color result will be BUT I like the really green gtps...clean and simple, I find them very attractive...maybe just a bit of white and 02063 is the most reduced color except for 02052 which is on hold. Im hoping for a snake that looks similar to

which is a mature snake from the previous clutch produced by the dam/sire that produced 02063.

in reality, I prob. wont have all my research done + cages built + money saved before that one is gone....but thats ok because the simple green clutch that greg maxwell has currently incubating fits the look im going for and he is estimating a price of only 500$....either way as long as I get my hands on a gtp before I die (which gives me about 60-70 years :p)

12-11-02, 03:15 PM
hehe dont you just love those eyes...png+biaks look DAMN fine IMO.