View Full Version : What triggers hybernation?

09-14-05, 06:23 PM
I have a w/c black rat snake that has always eaten great for 2 months I've had it. Recently I fed it 2 rat fuzzies and he sucked them down like he was starving. About 2 hours later I noticed he had regurgitated them both back up. I waited 3 days and offered it another 1 but he wouldn't eat. Hes been about 10 days now and hasn't eaten. He may be in a shed cycle but not sure. I was wondering if maybe it just knew it was fall and was getting ready to hybernate. Does temp or light trigger the hybernation? The temps have been the same the whole time.

09-14-05, 08:00 PM
After a regurge, you should wait at least a week before offering food, because when they regurge, they need time to build up their digestive juices. Offering another one too soon will cause another regurge and do even more damage to your snake. 10 days is not at all a long time for a snake to be without food. A regurge does not have anything to do with hibernation. Was the prey particularly large? Are you sure the temps are correct? Did you handle him soon after he ate? Also, since he is newly wc, it is possible that he has a parasite. Wait a few more days to offer him food. If he regurges again, you know you have a problem. As for hibernating, both temperature and light cycles can affect it. Also, it has been my experience that some wc animals insist on hibernating every year anyway. But it is too early for your snake to want to hibernate anyway.

09-15-05, 07:32 AM
also when they regurg they can injure there esaphagus(sp?) lining and the need time to heal. i usually wait two weeks then offer the SMALLEST prey i can find . then each week work em back up to size