View Full Version : Can't find a 32q Rubbermaid, pls help

12-05-02, 07:55 AM
All I can find is about a 28q. They are 14W and 20L. I want to build a rack for my balls but I cant seem to find the right size tub. Has anyone seen rubbermaids that are about 32L by 17W? That is what the Sutherlands are using but I can't find them anywhere.

12-05-02, 11:17 AM
Those sound like the size of the underbed units that rubbermaid sells. Around here, every Wal-Mart, Crappy Tire, Zellers, etc. carries them...............

12-05-02, 12:52 PM
Sterilite has a similar size, 35" x 17". You can usually find them at Revy. Also this time of the year you can find the Rubbermaid underbed units being sold as wrapping paper storers. The only differences are that they have green lids (no biggie) and they are cheaper (~$4.00 cheaper). Last time I saw them at Home Depot they were only $8.95.

12-05-02, 01:04 PM
I've checked all three of those stores and no luck. I even asked if they were able to order in different sizes and I was told that they carry all the availble sizes. Me thinks some one is telling half truths at Crappy tire.
Thanks guys, the search continues,