View Full Version : Boaphile cages

09-12-05, 12:39 PM
Finally here!

My Boaphile cages arrived and are all set up.


09-12-05, 12:57 PM
Those are beautiful cages.
If you don't mind, whats the dimensions and the price?

09-12-05, 01:04 PM
Thanks, they are 421D's and 421T cages.

Basically the 421D's are 48X24X12's and the 421T are the same except come with a removable divider and two doors. Cost for the 421D's was $1087 and the 421T's was $1341.

09-12-05, 05:39 PM
Wow, awesome price. I absolutley love those cages because they look so modern and clean! Do they ship to canada?

09-12-05, 07:13 PM
ROSY - they do but there is a source that builds them in Canada. Almost the same and prices are same if not cheaper check out.

CAGES (http://www.reptic-plastics.com/)

Tell Jean I sent you if you decide on buying, he is great to deal with and you will be very impressed with any cage he makes.


09-12-05, 07:18 PM
I agree, if you can find them within Canada go with them.

Those look great, cost is a bit higher than Boaphiles, but I'm sure it's cheaper when you include shipping from the US to Canada.

09-12-05, 08:46 PM
nice! that must of took a fat chunk outa yur wallet

09-12-05, 09:35 PM
i have a boaphile and going to get a few more, i LOVE them, they are wonderful. what did you put on the bottom of yours? i have repti bark in mine and i kinda hate the stuff, iv tried newspaper but it just slips all around when the snake crawls about the cage.

09-18-05, 04:52 PM
I use Kraft Indented Paper from Uline a shipping supply site.

It's same stuff as those Disposable Cage Liners you see sold specifically for snakes, except $20.00 for a 360ft roll compared to $35.00 for a 300ft roll.

Stuff works great and looks better than newspaper.

12-13-05, 12:05 PM
I wanted Boaphile Plastics really bad, but I kept emailing and they never ever got back to to me! You're so lucky

12-13-05, 12:10 PM
Unfortunately that seems to be the norm with their overall customer service, it's really unfortunate as they build great cages.
I've read and received numerous complaints on people trying to buy snakes, videos, cages, racks, from them and get no response and go elsewhere.

I'd say they are losing somewhere in the neighborhood of about 20-30% business because of this. Hopefully they will realize this and do what is needed to support the demands of their business before it's too late.

01-06-06, 03:16 PM
I wanted Boaphile Plastics really bad, but I kept emailing and they never ever got back to to me! You're so lucky

And you never will Go with www.animalplastics.com in the states and Reptic plastics in Canada:sun:

second skin
01-06-06, 05:19 PM
what do you use to heat those
is it better to go under tank?

01-06-06, 05:22 PM
Both of those cages respond well to flexwatt..

01-06-06, 06:09 PM
I just ordered a bit of Flexwatt from Matt. He's a great guy to deal with and he responds back to emails~!! Hehe :D


01-06-06, 07:16 PM
Hey thanks man I appreicate that!!!:medsmile:

01-09-06, 10:37 AM
I tried and tried to get some information out of Boaphile and never got a response. Then I read elsewhere about some major problems with customer service after purchase as well. After reading some glowing recommendations, I ordered from Animal Plastics and am anxiously awaiting some new cages. I haven't seen the product yet, but I can report that they answer their phones and everything! The woman I spoke with even looked up some alternative shipping options and called me back within about 30 minutes, saving me about $200. Customer service - what a concept! If they take as much care building their products as they do with the ordering process, the cages will be fantastic.