View Full Version : Northern pinesnakes

09-11-05, 03:16 PM
I have a growing interest in aquiring a baby Northern Pinesnake as a pet, but also to use for rare local educational opportunities. I am aware that adults average 6ft plus, but am unable to find any specific info on how fast they grow, or what size enclosures are appropriate at what age. Any advise from experienced keepers with this snake would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

09-11-05, 03:49 PM
Im guessing this is gonna be a display animal so if you want to display it you can probably start it off in a 10gallon at first and then slowly work your way up to a 40 gallon. MOST snakes reach sexual maturity at around 2-3yrs so around then they should be almost adult size.

09-12-05, 04:25 PM
Northern pines can get VERY big. I had one that was well over 6 feet. The other thing to keep in mind is how active they are when considering an enclosure. I had mine in a 4'x2'x2'. and it seemed to be mostly adequate - but if I had a spare 6' enclosure at the time, he would have had that instead.

09-12-05, 09:53 PM
What Ken said.
I keep a sub-adult N.P. Right now he's house in a 30 in tank and is in the ball park of 3ft. He was born in 04. He will be soon moved to a 4x2 ft malamine cage by the end of this year.
Very verious eater. Accepts rats and mice.
I keep the temps for him at 75-85 for the hotspot and allow a night drop of 72. I keep the humidity fairly low. Usually 40-50%.
Gotta love the loud HissssSSss they make! :D Pits are so cool.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v622/raizenhell/pine2.jpg (http://)
An old pic of my pine. Bout 6 months old. Hes much thicker in girth now.