View Full Version : My Anacondas Again!

09-08-05, 07:36 PM
It's been awhile since I have posted on here, but I figured I would post some new pics of my Anacondas.:)
Male Green Anaconda

Female Marbled Yellow Anaconda

Female Green Anaconda

Anery Green Anaconda

Thanks for looking!

09-08-05, 08:48 PM
Awesome looking conda's Ben, never get tired of seeing them.
That marble yellow is incredible.

09-08-05, 09:38 PM
where did you get that anery? thats awesome! beautiful animals! Im captivated by that anery anaconda!

09-08-05, 09:42 PM
That anery & marbled yellow are awesome. Thanks for sharing!

09-08-05, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the comments!:) The anery is an import from the Guianas, he was then sold to a private owner, who then sold it to me. He is very tame and eating f/t food. All around awesome conda. Can't wait till he gets a little bigger.

09-08-05, 10:26 PM
Those are gorgeous especially that anery id like to see how it looks when it gets larger as well

09-08-05, 10:37 PM
Gotta love anery's. That one is really cool looking. I didnt even know there was anery conda's.

Are there any albino's? .....Think of the possibilities!

09-08-05, 10:51 PM
Awesome condas man...keep us posted as they grow :)


09-08-05, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the comments! Yes, there is one albino for sale that I know of, she is about $75,000. I am thinking of the possibilities, and now I'm thinking about the possibility of me being able to afford her, and then it stops there...:( But maybe one day! Thanks for the comments, I will deffidently keep updating pics!:)

09-09-05, 12:21 AM
If you don't mind me asking... how much was the anery? She's beautiful! And I love all the cages in the background. Did you do those your self? Do you live with your parents? Or how is it that you can keep all of these at 18? (Askes a 19 year old whos rather jelous right now. ;) )

09-09-05, 08:02 AM
I paid $1500 + some other stuff for it, but they usually run about $3000-5000. I got the cages from Monster-cages.com, the ship disassembled, all you really need is a screwdriver and in about 2 hours you have a cage!:) Yes, I still live with my parents, I can keep them all because I can afford it, lol. most of my income has come from snakes either way and I budget very well. Thanks for the comments!:)

09-09-05, 01:17 PM
Ben, by far you have the nicest collection of condas that ive ever seem. those are the nicest condas ive saw yet. That marbled yellow conda is amazingly amazing... thanks for sharing. :rsmile:

09-09-05, 01:31 PM
Ben, How do you deal with the clean up with so many anacondas? I just have one female yellow and a couple of days after feeding I'm cleaning her cage for 3 or 4 consecutive days. Not to mention the stink! :toilet: Do you have a secret?

09-09-05, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the comments! I deal with clean up the same way anyone would, Rubber Gloves, and a few gags. There is no secret with Anacondas, you have to be prepared for that when they get large also. Don't worry though, Anacondas go through weeks where they do absolutly nothing but go to the bathroom, but it's not all the time. Sometimes they can go up to 2 weeks without deficating once. A good idea would be to get an air filter though, they take a little bit of smell out and will take out the bacteria that is floating around. Just some advice though, when you have 4 Anacondas, three of them being a little more into the large range, you will appreciate the little things like that, lol.:)

09-11-05, 06:42 PM
Ben, have you ever fed fish to your anacondas. Just out of curiousity, I tried it a couple of times and had no luck. I would assume they eat fish in the wild but I could be wrong about that. I doubt if there would be any advantage to feeding fish other than to diversify the diet :medfishie plus I'm sure it would make the cleanup that much messier. Just wondering.

09-11-05, 11:28 PM
No, all of my anacondas have all fed fine on f/t rodents. I have heard of people giving their condas fish before, but I wouldn't recommend that over anything, also, it's not really in their main diet as they grow. Fish should totally be a last resort. If you can't get your conda to eat, I can probably help you out with some tips, but deffidently try rodents and then quail at first, not fish..:)

09-11-05, 11:33 PM
Wow.. thanks for answering. Sheesh now there is another thing on my dream list..:S :P

09-12-05, 03:41 AM
i agree, its never boring seeing your condas ben! these have got to be your best pix yet. i think these pictures show off their colors better than any youv posted yet, im more amazed by them now than before, didnt really think that was possible. definetly keep em coming, especialy that anery!

09-13-05, 10:18 PM
lol Don't worry there will be plenty more to come, of everything, especially the Anery, I'm deffidently excited to see how his colors turn as he sheds more and more. Most of my snakes get lighter with age, so I'm hoping he will too, although I don't really know how he could considering the white in him, lol. Always up for some new photos though!:)