09-05-05, 12:48 PM
Ok, i have a positive BCC as so people from here said and they said it is eaither a suriname or a guyana. now first i cant upload a pic because of certaint reasons but i know some one that has done it for me prevously.. seconly i would like to kow what live plants i could put the boa with. now if i cant do that because of the prob;em of parisitesa and BCC being so fragile, what can i do to make it so realilistic.
third of all what is the best sized tank for a baby bcc boa. i have a 10 a 30 and a 40 breeder i also have a 100 but my dad is gonna start it up in a month or 2.with saltwater fish. now i was no planning on getting a bcc because i know that bcc are more for advanced snake owners but i bought him as a bci.he has shed 3 times in 2 months 2 being sort of ripped up and 1 perfect one. now my brother had a suriname bcc but died because of a tumor in its i need all the info i can get.
i was wondering what sized mpouse rat i should feed him. he is 26inches long 3 inches all around his thickest part of body.
and by the sounds of it about how old do you think he is. i really need to know as much as i can andi cant find a bcc care sheet.
third of all what is the best sized tank for a baby bcc boa. i have a 10 a 30 and a 40 breeder i also have a 100 but my dad is gonna start it up in a month or 2.with saltwater fish. now i was no planning on getting a bcc because i know that bcc are more for advanced snake owners but i bought him as a bci.he has shed 3 times in 2 months 2 being sort of ripped up and 1 perfect one. now my brother had a suriname bcc but died because of a tumor in its i need all the info i can get.
i was wondering what sized mpouse rat i should feed him. he is 26inches long 3 inches all around his thickest part of body.
and by the sounds of it about how old do you think he is. i really need to know as much as i can andi cant find a bcc care sheet.