View Full Version : some question that need to be anwered.

09-05-05, 12:48 PM
Ok, i have a positive BCC as so people from here said and they said it is eaither a suriname or a guyana. now first i cant upload a pic because of certaint reasons but i know some one that has done it for me prevously.. seconly i would like to kow what live plants i could put the boa with. now if i cant do that because of the prob;em of parisitesa and BCC being so fragile, what can i do to make it so realilistic.
third of all what is the best sized tank for a baby bcc boa. i have a 10 a 30 and a 40 breeder i also have a 100 but my dad is gonna start it up in a month or 2.with saltwater fish. now i was no planning on getting a bcc because i know that bcc are more for advanced snake owners but i bought him as a bci.he has shed 3 times in 2 months 2 being sort of ripped up and 1 perfect one. now my brother had a suriname bcc but died because of a tumor in its cloaca..so i need all the info i can get.
i was wondering what sized mpouse rat i should feed him. he is 26inches long 3 inches all around his thickest part of body.
and by the sounds of it about how old do you think he is. i really need to know as much as i can andi cant find a bcc care sheet.

09-05-05, 02:51 PM
Bcc and Bci are not that much diffrent in husbandrey.. They tend to get a little bigger.. As for live plants you Could use them BUT there a 99 % chance that it will get destroyed.. Boas will climb all over and the weight of the snake will kill it.. And for all the info you can get I recommend but a book.. They can be very usefull.


09-07-05, 10:48 PM
BCC you want to keep slightly cooler and slightly more humid, but not by much.

I agree with JAdkins... live plants would only be destroyed. Silk plants can be sterilized with hot water and anti-bac soap (rinse well!!)

09-07-05, 10:56 PM
Although we all like to make our cages look more natural even with real plants and such, in the long run, the work and possible destruction our loved animals do to things like plants and decorations turns out to be more hassle than worth it. Yes plants and decorations are nice even live plants but really not worth it in my opinion.

Goodluck with your choices.

moses nomad
09-08-05, 09:57 AM
first thing your snake is into large rat pups thats what i feed mine. second you should give your snake a bath before shedding nice warm water does the trick plus your snake will love it. use a large container so it can swim around freely that helps with the shed. plants are bad news cause that means you have to use soil worse news, soil carries alot of diffrent parasites that can cause alot of harm to your snake, i myself use newspaper easier to clean and no problems with bugs. now over the news paper try fake grass this you can pull out and wash but the paper would end up molding if you dont watch it.so plain newspaper is the best. as for the tank a 40 gallon should do for now. and with a small snake the water should be cleaned every three days for freshness. well i hope this helps you out and like the people say the best thing to do is buy a book from a person with alot of experience.