View Full Version : Pics of my Red Baby
09-04-05, 02:40 PM
Hi Everyone!!
I was cleaning cages today, and decided to snap a few pics of some cresteds that I haven't taken many pics of. These pics were taken outside.
These pics here are of a little crestie that's 2 months old today. It weighs in at 9.2grams, and is a super agressive eater! Look at its belly in the first pic, and you'll know what I mean!
This was the first crestie that I hatched ever, and is a result of a super red male patternless to a yellow dalmation female. This fella has the dalmation of mom, but definitely the color of dad! I know things could change as it gets older, but at the moment, it's got identical color to dad! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps getting redder!
Thanks for looking!
Betty Miskie
09-04-05, 04:26 PM
Is the parents big cresties? That is one big, big baby............... 9 grams at just 2 months is very big. My cresties average that weight around the 3 to 4 month size and I thought they were big.
What a nice coloured crestie you have and yes, a very big belly. He/she must love his crickets.
09-04-05, 04:48 PM
Yeah, the mom of this guy sits around 50grams when she's not pregnant...she's also a stub tail. Dad is on the smaller side, at an average weight of 33grams.
Mom is definitely a little porker, she's practically got rolls she's so round!
From the same pairing I have 2 babies that are a month old plus 2 days, and they weigh 5.1grams and 4.7grams.
These three babies hatched out at about 2.2-2.4grams each.
This crested in the pics will chase down crickets normally as soon as you drop them in. Monte will start chasing them down, even go as far as running after them along the ground.
09-04-05, 07:06 PM
Big baby for sure. Very nice!
09-27-05, 09:23 AM
Well, Monte is now a week shy of being 3 months old, and the new weight is 13.2g
This one isn't showing any male signs yet (I know it's too early to tell), but I'm really not sure whether I'll have to go by weight or age when saying that it's for sure a female. My other male have all started to show at about 15-17 grams at the latest, but this one is a little different because it will only be about 3.5 months old when it hits that.
Another interesting thing about this crestie is that it's ALWAYS fired up, always super red. I find this quite amazing, as even its dad (who is the same red) dulls down to a tan color during the day. Perhaps this is the start of the 'always fired-up' cresteds! I wish!
Sorry I didn't grab a pic today, I actually have no idea where my camera ran off to, but it'll show up sooner than later!
I'll try to grab pics on its third month birthday for everybody!
09-27-05, 09:39 AM
It's hard to believe that he's only three months old. lol
I have a 6-7month old red possible female that's 20 grams.
You giving him steroids? hee hee
Chances are he will continue to stay red but don't be surpirsed if he changes colour for a bit.
AC has some good examples of colour change on his site. The colour might even intensify when he's an adult :P Hormones and everything!
Betty Miskie
09-27-05, 10:00 AM
Wow, that is one big, big baby. I hate to ask but do you think your scales are right? If the scales are correct, I would most definitely keep that one and work towards the "big" babies. I have one female that is our "big" girl and we are definitely keeping some babies just for that, size. You have an added bonus as you have size and colour! :)
09-27-05, 10:16 AM
I have a standard 100g measure that my scale came with so that I know it's calibrated properly. It's right, Monte definitely looks to be 13g from his/her body size.
On another note, I have another set of babies from this pair, and they were born August 2nd and now weigh 7.7 and 7.2 grams each (so that's at about 1.75 months)
I think they are just big babies!
10-02-05, 02:48 PM
Last night I mixed up a new batch of smoothie for my cresteds. This time I tried something a little different by not adding figs, but added prickly pear and black grapes instead. Most of my cresteds seem to have atleast tasted it.
Monte pigged out on it, as can be seen in the pictures (sorry, I had to use the flash because the lighting in my room was no good this morning). I weighed Monte before feeding and he/she came in at 14.0g. This morning when I was removing the dishes for a cleaning, I noticed the huge belly Monte had! His/her weight this morning was 15.4g. I kept giggling at the size of the tummy! In the last week I have noticed that Monte is cycling through day/night colors, whereas prior to last week, I had never seen him/her anything but a brilliant red. Perhaps Monte has hit puberty?
That's all for now!
10-02-05, 04:00 PM
What a belly! Wow!
10-03-05, 12:17 AM
Monty needs to start growing length wise or you'll have to change his name to pac man :P Keep us posted on his weight and colour ;)
Betty Miskie
10-03-05, 05:46 AM
You might have to put Monte on a crested gecko diet instead of the Hilde diet! I understand that babies tend to be smaller on it!
I believe you have got to have the biggest baby at that age. :)
10-03-05, 07:02 AM
I don't know about the Crested Gecko Diet...I stopped using it a while back because nobody seemed to like it much. I actually caught a few more cresteds going for my new batch of smoothie, so perhaps I've got it right with this one.
The biggest part of my guy's diet is crickets, well supplemented and gutloaded. Perhaps Monte likes to protein-load? Haha...makes me think of my fitness fenatic parents!
I'll keep everyone posted!
10-03-05, 07:40 AM
Looks like you're going to have the cutest crestie sumo wrestler ever. Of course, if he grows longer too, then you'll have a very cute basketball player. :)
Monte has good tastes - prickly pear goes over very well with my gang too. Every once in a while I'll lightly mash up some plain and give it to all the Rhacs - they love the stuff. Since there's not likely any cacti in New Caledonia, makes me wonder why they're so easily addicted to it (but then again, no bananas there either and they all love it too.)
10-27-05, 10:10 PM
Hello Everyone!
I haven't seen much action on this board in a while, so I thought I would post a mini update. Monte now weighs 18.2g on an empty belly. There are still no sure signs of sex, meaning there's no signs of being male, but I won't believe that Monte's a female until the 30 gram mark probably! "Its" age right now is about 3.75monthes.
Monte's two younger siblings that are 2.75monthes currently weigh 12.7g and 10.7g. They aren't quite as big as Monte was at their age, but they can't all be little sumos!
I can't wait for the next breeding season, it seems so far away! I keep encouraging the girls I'm growing up to 'eat-up!' at night!
That's all for now!
10-28-05, 03:21 PM
I really find this hard to believe but maybe there is giant cresteds afterall like leopard geckos.
10-28-05, 07:14 PM
Believe it or not, it's what it is! Perhaps it's something in the crickets, I don't know. These are my first 3 crested hatchlings ever, so I still see it as being 'normal' because I haven't had the experience of raising any from hatching that weren't this size. I'm almost certain that I'll be keeping Monte (who ever sells their first hatchling?!), and perhaps I will be able to proove it out, depening on Monte's sex. The other two will be sold at some point, probably when they are sexable.
10-29-05, 10:04 AM
It sounds likea marvel to the crested world. Maybe you can breed out the trait. Goodluck!
11-11-05, 08:16 AM
Wow what awesome colors! I'm trying to find a red gecko! I'm curious what is this smoothie that your referring to?
11-11-05, 12:03 PM
Hilde has posted one somewhere on here that is usually a winner with cresteds. Try searching for smoothie, or recipe, and you should find it.
This guy/gal has slowed growing a bit...he's 4 monthes and a week old, and weighs 21.5g. Monte's colors are nice, and I'm hoping that she (crosses fingers) will pass them on to make more red babies!
11-12-05, 09:12 PM
I did a complete clean of cages today, and decided to get a couple pictures while I was disturbing everyone.
I was hoping that both Monte and Trogdor (Monte's dad) would be fired up together, but alas, only Trogdor was fully fired, Monte was not quite there.
I seem to have a hard time capturing the reds in these guys. If I use the flash, then it washes them out, if I don't, then I either get blurry pics because the shutter speed has to be so slow, or you can't see them because it's too dark. Natural light is the best, but it was too cold out to go outside with them today!
It sure was a challenge to get these guys to sit still for long, and in the same vicinity, but eventually Monte settled on Trogdor's head!
This next one isn't the greates pic, but it gives a side by side for reference. Trogdor weighs about 38g, and Monte was 21.5g last I checked.
Here is one that sort of shows off the red these guys has, unfortunately it's really blurry, and my battery died before I could get a better one.
Here's a last one to show the bicolor that I really like. It looked next to black to me in person, but the camera doesn't pic it up.
Lastly, here's one of the siblings to Monte that's a month younger and is just starting to show the red, about 3.25 months right now. This one weighed 15.5g at photo time a couple days ago. My guess is that it will be a 'he', but I've been wrong before. He will probably go up for sale in a while, once I'm positive on the sex. The little fella will be sold no matter what sex, but I thought I would just help out the buyer by making sure of the sex before sale. With few babies around, I can afford the space and crickets!
I hope you enjoy, just thought I would share, as there hasn't been much activity on this board as of late!
11-12-05, 10:23 PM
Ahh the picture of Monte and Trogdor head, is absolutely cute. One day I will get a red guy! Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Wow, Very Nice. At My college they have a Crested Gecko and 3 leopard Geckos. I have handled the leopards but not tht crested, is there a particuler way of catching them? Coz they are incredibly fast! As im sure you would no. Or is ther eno chance of me catchign her...
11-13-05, 01:03 PM
To catch the fast ones, you have to be calm, and careful. If you try to just grab at them, then there is a good chance you will end up with just a tail if that's all you catch. I can't really think of how to describe how I catch them, perhaps like catching a frog...Put one hand in front of them, and the other overtop, and then when they run, they generally run onto you.
The only thing to think about is if she's running because she's being handled too much, or not given enough alone time. Unless you have a more docile crested, or one that has grown up being handled, then they generally don't take well to a lot of handling. Some never like it.
If she eats babyfood, then you could try to see if it will calm her down to offer her some off of a spoon while she's in her cage to get her used to your scent and used to you being around.
I don't know what else to say. Learning how to catch and handled them is just that, a learning experience.
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