View Full Version : TARAS Fall Show Table Bookings

Greg West
08-29-05, 08:39 PM
Well we have 69 tables booked so far. It is shaping up to be a good show. We are only booking about 80 tables so if you need tables you better book soon as there is only 11 left.

Here is the last right now.
Cornel's World Terrariums
Wrapped Up in Reptiles
Davivad Exotics
Wild Kingdom Reptiles
Chris Dempster
Darwin's Oasis
J & M Rabbit Farms
Henry Piorun Reptiles
Arctic Circle Herps
Mice N Things
Canden Farms
Mountain Geckos
Sierra Dragons
Hunter Reptiles
Capital Dragons
A Dragons Tale
JK Reptiles
Lizard Woman
Pazuzus Preference
Debbie and Lindsay's Educational Snake Show
Riverfront Aquariums
Dan Uremovic Canadian Captive Bred
Andreas Eschrich
Gord Redman
Gone Snakee
Redline Exotics
Rocky Mountain Reptile Ranch
Lewenza's Lizards
Invictus Exotics
Northwest Dragon Ranch
Rory MacDonald (Next Obsession)
Krickets Unlimited

If you need tables, please fill out the form and send it in, or send an e-mail to taras@albertareptilesociety.org

See you at the show.

We are also still looking for volunteers for set up table down, and watching the entrance and toy tables. If you are able to help out, please send an e-mail to taras@albertareptilesociety.org