View Full Version : best monitor

08-24-05, 12:05 PM
hi....i am lookin to purchase a dwarf monitor and i was just wonderin which one is better for a beginner...an ackie or a savanna? or is there another??

08-24-05, 01:16 PM
Definatly go with an ackie or two. Much easier to maintain than a savannah.

Reasons for this are: They're FAR smaller, have far smaller apetites, require far less room and are much more social. Ackies are a much better way to ease yourself into the varanid world.

08-24-05, 07:52 PM
Yes I agree with V.hb on getting ackies as a first monitor. The feeding bill will keep enough money in your wallet to get them a nice big christmas present.

The Savanna monitor is very lazy compared to Ackies.

08-30-05, 09:24 AM
A savahnna is not a dwarf monitor. They get preety big.

08-30-05, 09:57 PM
If you can find one, a storr's is an awesome dwarf monitor<my favourite. Ackies are great aswell-I prefer reds over yellows.