View Full Version : bed room or reptile room?

king nick
08-22-05, 04:59 PM
Well here it is,Im 16 and no one in my house has the interest in reptiles thus all my herps have to stay in my room. This is my bed room LOL. Or is it my reptile room? You tell me! Dont mind the mess...Hope you like em!

Here is where all my leopard geckos are, on the shelf I have a male in each tank, and under the stario are where I Keep my three females...

Here you can see in the corner the two large tanks I keep my hog island boa on the top and my two corn snakes in the bottom...

Here you can see where i keep my cooks tree boa and under that is where i house my pac man frog, mantella and my fire belly toads...

This shot does not have any of my reptiles in it but its one of my favorite parts of my room, It takin quite a long to make this wall look like this, adding bit by bit every so often. the large part in the middle i made myself, they are paintings of close up shots of what people first recognize as a reptile...

last but not least is in the corner, my two uromastyx set up and as you can see my bed beside it, witch is why It is still considered a bed room....

Thanks for looking....

08-22-05, 05:20 PM
Nice collection there!!! even tho we cant see any of them!! lol


08-22-05, 05:20 PM
HAHA! That's awesome. My apartment had cages spread throughout, although recently I consolidated them all along one wall. Keep up the good work!


08-22-05, 07:12 PM
Haha, I have a reptile bed room as well. I live in an apartment with two roommates so I keep mine in my bedroom. I have about 15 geckos around the room. I threw up two quick shelves in my 8 by 8 foot closet, so I have 3 shelves in there including the original. Then on my dresser and my night table I have a 18,18,24 exoterra tank on each haha. The top shelf still has about 5 feet left to fill with some lighter tanks so that's what i'm doing after the next show haha. It's pretty crowded and easily gets messy like your room with all the action going on in it.


08-22-05, 07:55 PM
We have a snake room for our breeders and then our pets are spread out. We have two burms in our bedroom, 2 gtp's in our living room, and a tarantula in our office

08-22-05, 07:56 PM
thats awesome i have to keep my animals in my room as well but i only have 2 snakes and 2 guinea pigs

08-22-05, 08:39 PM
i keep all mine in my room as well.. looks quite similar to your room except not so much stuff on the walls.. i need all the wall space i can get for tanks.. lol.. its gotten so bad i have my tv on top of my balls custom cage on top of my dressor..

can i make one suggestion... if you have a dressor that is takin up precious space that could be used for a shelving system.. put it in your closet.. and take your bet and put it on scafolding.. frees up some more space.. im doin that stuff when i move..

08-25-05, 03:59 AM
man that room is SO cool, my herps are in their own room in the basement *BORING*, lol i wish i could do that to my room, but my moms pretty square bout stuff like that, if kitchen tables chairs are outta place she goes nut lol, gotta love your parents

monty bl python
08-25-05, 03:31 PM
that is alot of reptiles so were do you sleep hahaha

08-25-05, 03:46 PM
Thats awesome man. One question...i've got 3 tanks in my room and the heat lamps make it quite toasty....what about yours? You've got tons lol. Nice wall to by the way. love the paintings and pictures.

08-25-05, 06:07 PM
My room is like that as well, corruppt_kitten what wattage bulbs do you use? I noticed they made the room warm when they were above 75W, now I use 60W and it makes a difference.
Leave a window open or put a fan on cause however warm reptiles like it, humans do better when they sleep in cooler temps.


08-31-05, 12:04 PM
Nice room, mine is the same way except I had actually had to buy a bunk bed so I could use the space underneath. I used to have a T.V in there, but it took up precious tank space. Basically my room is now an isle with a ladder, dresser and a window, everything else is tanks on rack systems. My sugar gliders are also in my room. Plus, my basement is where I keep my tortoises and snakes so what was once a 23' x 18' basement is now a 10' x 9' laundry room lol. Around 6 months ago when I did a head count on my animals, it was 129, now it's at least 150- I guess you can call me a herpoholic : ). Our hydro bill has just about tripled since getting into the hobby 6 years ago. Lets see more pics of your reptile rooms...

09-11-05, 07:50 PM
That's a sweet collection.

If you want more room for "stuff", make a "Captains bunk". I built one when I was in the last 2 years of Uni. Basically a double sized matress set on a 2x4 frame 5' high. I set my comp desk underneath. When I moved to another place, the set it up underneath as a cozy nook w/pillows and a 55gal reef. Wish I had a pic of it...it was really sweet.

09-12-05, 10:38 AM
i have a reptile room but we are still trying to come up with a design so right now its just got tanks on tables lol. it nice to see what other people have set up

09-12-05, 05:17 PM
Lol I love this thread! I am in a very similar position. I rent a basement room of a house and currently have 2 snakes, 1 gecko, 2 dwarf hamsters and 2 fish in it. Not nearly as full as some of the others, but give me a few weeks. ;) I'm probably going to have to get another bedside table as the other is for the gecko. But as soon as I do I know another will show up. :D I already had to bring in a shelf unit for my books and critters, but my other drawers will be going soon, to be replaced by a rack system hopefully. I don't need space for jeans... I need space for snakes!!! Lol or at least thats the thought pattern.

By the way, your uromastyx set up is beautiful! How big is the tank with the three female geckos? And I love the 'Reptiles' Magazine centerfolds on the wall. Best centerfolds ever! ;)

king nick
09-12-05, 05:42 PM
Thank You, The Gecko Tank With The 3 Females Is A 20 Gallon

09-21-05, 11:48 PM
mine used to be worse lol until my parents evntualy got sick of it and let me take over another room haha i had wall units i made for my reptiles going along every wall and i needed another wall so i moved the bed to the midle of the room for more space haha. I still have a few snakes in my room now i moved most the reptiles into a difrent room now though.

Them and Us
10-06-05, 10:49 AM
atleast you are allowed to have that many reptiles at that age. when i was 16 i was forbidden to have a snake. of course when i got my first paycheck i defied the irrational adults i was living with and went and got my first snake. a greay rat snake. left him in his cage with a live mouse and left the house for about 5 hours. needless to say i came home late enough so everyone was sleeping and the yelling the next morning was not as bad as it would have been had it gotten when they arrived home. they warmed up though. even got my mother to change the water twice. anyway. cool room. i'm lucky enough to have a huge walk-in closet that serves as my reptile room in my apartment now. try getting stackable cages. it opens up room for walkspace or more reptiles ha.