View Full Version : potbelly pigs

burmese maniac
08-21-05, 07:36 PM
Anybody here has a potbelly pig? looking for info on these cute animals. If good for children and how big have they gotten? All info will be greatly appreciated.

08-21-05, 07:40 PM
* entire post edited out by DragnDrop.
We're talking pets here, not feeders. That made this original post somewhat out of line and tasteless.

08-21-05, 07:54 PM
It's always nice when parents let their children use their computer. Isn't it time for your nap though now.

08-21-05, 08:32 PM
lol chill, i was just making a funny, and no i already had my nap, grouch.

08-21-05, 08:32 PM
sorry bout that post mr.admins. was just tryna make a funny.

08-21-05, 09:50 PM
My aunt had one back in the day...all I can remember is the thing was always grouchy and mad. Very aggressive as well...but it's like anything really...each individual usually has its own temperment right? She did have a young child though so it couldn't of been too bad. I remember babysitting a long time ago and the pig would hide under the bed and do his own thing *LOL*

burmese maniac
08-24-05, 10:01 PM
ehy guys I didn't put up this post to start an argument. Just wanted to know if I should buy one for my kids, they have been bothering me for one for a long time. thanxs anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-27-05, 12:32 AM
i heard there good pets

08-27-05, 01:42 PM
Don't know alot about potbellies, but they do take alot of care. they need room and special care. Also, some municipalities may not allow potbelly pigs or any other 'barnyard' type animals. If you are out in the country well that's a different matter, but deffinitely check your local by-laws if you live in town or city. Do a search on the internet for potbelly pigs for care and training information. www.exotichobbyist.com also has a forum dealing with all kinds of exotic pets, you may find some good info there as well.

Since I am bored at work, decided to find some sites for you as well:


10-05-05, 12:04 PM
Sorry I found this thread not sure how old it was, but had to add my own two cents on the subject only because of my bad experience with them. I bought my girlfriend a 3 months old female mini potbelly pig for her birthday. Well we took it to the vet for shots and after 3 vet bills of over 300 our pig died. Now how could this happen we wondered. Well lets just say this vet had a good reputation for working w/ mini pigs but I dont see how that could of been being that every pig owner i spoke to after that said the shots were the reason our pig had passed and that pigs stress easy and should never be subjected to vaccines UNLESS they will be around a lot of other pigs. I'm sure the vet knew this but im sure he'd much rather have had the money, not too mention he gave the pig a shot i could only find for dogs.... So be careful about vets and make sure you do your research

10-06-05, 03:19 PM
in my experiance they are one of the worst pets in the world. They need major training. they have no problem pooping and peeing in teh house and they can be very moody..one minute you are petting them and they are loonving it..and the other minute they are biting you. I know there are many potbelly pigs out there that make good pets but i do not reccomend getting one unless you have good experaince with difficult dogs. ive owned a potbelly pig, and it was the worst investment of my life.

10-07-05, 09:20 AM
Personally, I would never own a potbelly pig as a pet. There is something about a swine running around the house that just doens't appeal to me.

Let's just say you bring one in as a pet and the kids start to get attached to it. Well your 3 yr old is sitting down eating breakfast (bacon and eggs) and he/she asks you where bacon comes from? What do you tell the child? lol Uh..(insert name here) bacon comes from a pig, as the little kid looks down at his/her pet pig.