View Full Version : kingsnake trust?

08-18-05, 05:24 AM
Alright, so I have a Mexican Black kingsnake, she's about a year or so old now [I never knew her exact birth date/month]...anyhow, she is doing wonderfully but I wondered if I'd ever be able to "TRUST" her. I really have only ever let her scoot around my hands and arms, since the few times I have let her slither around on the floor for quick moments, she'd pace around a bit slowly and then suddenly take off at lightning speed... I'd usually have something around keeping her 'contained' more or less to a certain area in case she did try and take off, so I easily caught her, no worries there...
But do kingsnakes remain really quick like that their whole lives, or will she 'calm down' a bit with age?
It really doesnt matter to me, as we both seem to agree with how we handle each other [:P] right now, but watching her slither on the floor is such an awesome thing to see... and I've known of people with corns and they would just crawl into their hair and sit there, though I'm not sure how behaviourly similar corns and kings are.

Anyhow, it was just something I was curious about :)
Any input or experiences would be great to hear!

08-18-05, 11:51 AM
There is a very good chance that your kingsnake will calm down with age, but never put full trust in them and always supervise them if you let them crawl! :)

08-18-05, 02:33 PM
My basic rule that applies to all animals is Controlled & Contained. If you have an appropriate area for it to roam fine, but I recv. calls all the time on "how do I get my snake out of my couch" or chair or from the vent etc. Make sure that the area is "snakeproofed" LOL & always under supervison. I knew a guy who's Boa lived in his couch for months before finally coming out to feed one night. People forget just how fast they are & they will calm down, but never slow down ; ) Mark
P.S. In reguards to Trusting a snake? I always say "Trust a snake to be a snake" & snakes are creatures of pure instinct. Only natural to want to be free.

Edmond Y
08-18-05, 06:08 PM
I did forced to gave one Albino King several years ago. He did make good pet when he is young but get mean over time to almost not able to clean up the cage without a hook. Traded him into a Ball and never look back.

08-19-05, 01:02 AM
There is a very good chance that your kingsnake will calm down with age, but never put full trust in them and always supervise them if you let them crawl! :)
yeah, she always gets surprivised anyways haha...i just wondered if she'd ever slow down at all, mostly because id love to take some nice pictures of her :P

My basic rule that applies to all animals is Controlled & Contained. If you have an appropriate area for it to roam fine, but I recv. calls all the time on "how do I get my snake out of my couch" or chair or from the vent etc. Make sure that the area is "snakeproofed" LOL & always under supervison. I knew a guy who's Boa lived in his couch for months before finally coming out to feed one night. People forget just how fast they are & they will calm down, but never slow down ; ) Mark
P.S. In reguards to Trusting a snake? I always say "Trust a snake to be a snake" & snakes are creatures of pure instinct. Only natural to want to be free.
definitely agreed. i might try and build a small portableish 'roaming area' in the future, but in the meantime she just gets to crawl around the hands and arms of me and a few select people i trust with her, hah..
and my bedroom STILL had black electrical tape over the vent and over some weird gaps between the baseboard and floor, as i had her in a rubbermaid container first and she weaseled out of it my first night with her..so i heavily taped the 'opening' [it was a hinged container] and then taped any possible escape routes out of my room off, and slept with the door closed and towels crammed under the door crack with no possible escapes for awhile until i got her tank and moved her to the spare room :P
the last thing i need is for my little baby to get loose and go roaming, especially with my cat around :|!

08-26-05, 09:17 PM
i want to make a whole room into a snake cage when i get rich and famous that is. heh. until then...ill stick with my tank...i would love to have a black snake! i got the original banded kingsnake though. hes still cute as a button... good luck with your loverly baby!