View Full Version : Any Suggestions?

08-17-05, 06:15 PM
We're really not new to the reptile scene, though we've taken a larger interest in it as of late.

We currently have 3 normal ball pythons:
-Thor: about 9 years old
-Casper: about 2.5 years old, though he's new to our collection.
-Isis: about 10 months, give or take.

This is Thor and Casper's setup:
http://webpages.charter.net/linuxlostboy/gt/thor.JPG http://webpages.charter.net/linuxlostboy/gt/casper2.JPG

They both have undertank heaters and during the day, a small lamp on top. The day temp is about 90F in both, with a humidity level of 86%.

Now that we have them both where they're going to stay for a while, is there anything else that we should look into? Any suggestions on anything?

08-17-05, 06:30 PM
looks ok to me. just gotta ask though do you have a warm spot of about 90f an a cool spot of about 75f or is it always 90f? the humidity could be lowered to about 65% and about 80% during shed, but i dont think that matters too much. do you have hiding spots on both the cool side and the warm side?? and your not keeping more than one snake in a single aquarium are you??

08-17-05, 06:52 PM
There is a cool side and a warm side, yes. You cant tell so much from the photos, but there are two hiding spots, one under the water bowl, and the other opposite it. Thor's warm side is opposite the water dish, while Casper's in the side with the dish. And finally, there is only one snake per tank. We have a smaller tank in the bedroom where Isis is currently. Once she grows a bit, we'll get another enclosure like the rest and move her out here. Thanks for the input, you're great!

08-17-05, 07:12 PM
oh ok i see it now. i looked a bit harder at the photos and saw the hiding spots. your tank looks awesome everything perfect. good luck!!!