View Full Version : Calabar Burrowing Boa (Calabaria reinhardtii)

08-12-05, 10:04 PM

First off, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to be posting in, but if not please move this thread. We have just aquired a Calabar Burrowing Python (Calabaria reinhardtii). As far as we know this is a fairly rare snake. We have been looking at care sheets and we've tried searching on this forum, but we have not found alot of information. We have her in an enclosure according to the care sheets that we have found on the internet. What we were wondering is if anybody in this forum keeps this species or knows anything about them. We are looking for any information on breeding, feeding, and specific behaviours of this species.

08-15-05, 01:58 PM
Nobody has any info on these?

08-15-05, 03:20 PM
You should post this in the General Python Forum, as it's a Calabar Burrowing python, not boa. But for what it's worth, this species is almost impossible to breed in captivity, and even if you are successful, you will only get 1 or 2 offspring from them, which is a good reason why you won't find a lot of info about this species - nobody is working with them, and very few have ever bred them.

08-15-05, 06:54 PM
I used to have one many years back. I could never get it to eat, I tried alot of things but It just refused, Beautiful little guys I would like to get another in the future and give it another go.

Some of the info I gathered about them was: They like to burrow.
They hunt by pressing there prey into walls of there tunnels when hunting.
Temps I believe were Upper 80's(87-89)But Im not 100% on that.

I remember someone on here was working with them, I'll try to figure out who it was.

08-16-05, 12:14 PM
Hey thanks for the replies guys. I haven't tried feeding her yet going to let her settle in first. But yeah she a beautiful little girl and so far has a clean bill of health, I took her to the vet yesterday. Maybe someone could move this thread to the General Python Forum? :) please

08-16-05, 01:35 PM
Hi ~

there was an excellent long article in the German "Salamandra" a few years ago.
Their website is www.dght.de - you can order a copy of that article from them for a few bucks)

What I remember is that for a fossorial (=burrowing) snakes they quite often rested in some branches supplied for some other snake in the same enclosure and they'd even strike at mice from up there.

Also, in order to get them to breed they found out that they are abundance breeders, i.e. you have really stuff them to get follicles going.


08-17-05, 01:45 PM
I reposted this in the General Python forum cause I think it will get more responses there. Sorry if that upsets anyone (double posting or something like that.) Please feel free to delete this thread Mods.