View Full Version : what could cause

08-09-05, 05:14 PM
hello i want to know what could cause a boa to hiss. could it be there enclosure or can it be that there hungry. any info would be good.

08-09-05, 05:29 PM
They don't hiss because they are hungry, they hiss as part of a defense mechanism. Something is upsetting your snake, and many things can cause that type of behaviour. It can be something as simple as your snake is going to shed soon and its senses are down, it can be stressed out from an inadequate environment, illness, too much exposure, or even something such as it is a baby that is naturally defensive as it has not yet become accustomed to people or its surroundings. Sometimes snakes even seem to just have 'bad days'.

08-09-05, 05:37 PM
If it's a constant "hiss", it's more likely a respiratory infection.

08-09-05, 05:48 PM
look this happend. i went to touch my friend snake.and it hissed at me. i dont know what could it be

08-09-05, 06:45 PM
look this happend. i went to touch my friend snake.and it hissed at me. i dont know what could it be

You probably scared him/her. It was basically letting you know it didn't like the idea of what you were doing and that you should stop.

08-09-05, 07:42 PM
What is the temperature of the enclosure? Invictus may be correct, an RI is usually caused by too cool a temp.

08-09-05, 09:49 PM
the temps are 85-90 in the day and 80-85 at night(basking temp:95 degrees) and its always at 60% humidity. he also told me that he has not fed her since last tuesday and she is suppose to be on 2 mice but he only gave her one on tuesday.thats why i asked if it was because of hunger also she had a log in there and i saw that she was in there so he removed the log and thats when i tried to touch her and she hissed at me.

08-09-05, 10:47 PM
you took her out of her hide.. she was probably a little pissed...

08-10-05, 12:03 PM
you took her out of her hide.. she was probably a little pissed...

it could have been that but i found her eyes a little milky today. so i guess it was the shed cycle was about to start. :medstrung