08-06-05, 10:45 PM
I am wondering if anyone would like to start a Reptile Group on Vancouver Island. I live in Cobble Hill and there is a nice sized rentable building that we could set up tables ($15 each) and sell and buy reptiles from other people on the Island without having to pay shipping costs, etc as well as meet other people in the Reptiles Community to share ideas, information and meet future breeders. One thing we would need is a good quantity of people visiting per month for this to turn out good. We could have a herp hunt where we could go catch Garter Snakes and Alligator Lizards which is always entertaining and I know a great spot for it. If anyone has any suggestions reply to the thread and hopefully we could get something going. We would obviously have to set up ads in the papers so everyone would know and advertise it at any Canadian Reptile Communities. I am willing to put HARD work into this if people are interested here.