View Full Version : A new hatchling last night!

08-02-05, 04:33 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just thought I would quickly share my newest arrival. This little crested hatched out last night around 8pm, its clutchmate has yet to make an appearance, but I'm sure it will soon! It still has some of its sac attached in the pics, and a bit of coco-fibre from the incubating medium, but when I checked on it this morning, that was all gone, and it was going into shed!

This one is from the pairing of a patternless solid red male to a yellow dalmation female. Up close I can see a bit of a tiger-looking pattern, which should be interesting!



Thanks for looking!

08-02-05, 04:39 PM
Congrats! Is this your first? The thing with new Cresties is they change so much from the time they hatch till bout 3 months or so! hope to see some more pics of him down the road:)

08-02-05, 04:42 PM
This is my second, my first hatched on July 4th.

I know that their color changes, but I can be hopeful!! I will post more pics as I take them! As well as pics of this one's clutchmate when it comes along!


Betty Miskie
08-02-05, 06:43 PM
Beautiful crestie there Amanda. Here's hoping that she/he stays that colour but as Clint mentioned, they change so much at the start that it is hard to anticipate what colour they will be.

08-02-05, 06:48 PM
Awwww! what a cutie! Congrats!

08-02-05, 08:09 PM
Well, the clutchmate hatched about half an hour after my second post! It looks very similar. The first one weighed 2.4g, and the second weighed 2.3g. They both seem to be doing fine, and are enjoying their rubbermaid container complete with a pothos to sleep in.

The first one currently looks like a little grey ghost, as it appears to be going through its first shed. If it's not shed, then its definitely a very light color! I know it will all change as they get older, I'm just very interested to see what develops from this pairing.

I will post the pics when I get a chance, right now it's feeding time at the zoo!

Thanks for the comments!

08-03-05, 09:04 PM
Grey as a ghost can brighten up in time ;)

Congrats on the hatchers.

08-04-05, 12:36 PM
I think these guys are adorable!! Last night when I was giving everybody a spray and checking in on everyone, I noticed that these two were laying curled up together under a big pothos leaf that was overhanging the stick they were sleeping on. It made my sweet toothe hurt!!

It's going to be such a fun adventure watching these guys/gals grow!