View Full Version : New Habitat for my Corn!

07-31-05, 10:21 AM
I have had my Amel Corn since the end of May this year. So far, she has been absolutely wonderful. I purchased her (her name is Appelonia) from The Great Valley Serpentarium in my town.

When I purchased her, she was about 14 inches long. She is now pushing 24 inches long and is great with the kids. My three year old calls the holding process..."Wearing a snake bracelet".

Anyways, this week, I decided to spoil Appelonia and get her a condo. I upgraded from my 10 gallon tank to a EXO Terra Terrarium. I bought a waterfall (with misting capabilities), as well as some faux plants to climb on. She seems to be in 7th heaven since making the upgrades. This setup provides great accessibility and ease in cleaning, thanks to the front swing open doors.

Below are some photos I took of the habitat and Appelonia this evening. I hope you all enjoy them. Please feel free to provide any feedback.

Here is a general pick of enclosure from the front

Side view. (Black circle is the temp gauge)

Close-up of Appelonia enjoying her grapevine

Another side shot with Appelonia exploring

A view from the top

Appelonia drinking from her new water bowl

Asian Jon
07-31-05, 11:31 AM
Fancy! Your corn is the luckiest corn ever. She's got a great pattern as well ;)

07-31-05, 12:00 PM
Nice zigzag on the corn!

Cool enclosure

08-01-05, 02:29 PM
Thanks! See, in order for me to get a snake, I had to promise I would get one as bright as possible, just in case it pulled the great escape on us.

I had know idea she would be as beautiful as she turned out to be

08-01-05, 02:36 PM
Thats a great looking habbitat, and an even better looking snake! :) GOOD LUCK!!

08-02-05, 04:37 AM
its lovely i really like it :D

08-02-05, 05:35 AM
i love those new cages, i might spoil one of my pets with one. your corn looks perfect for it, they should have put her on the box =)

08-02-05, 09:20 AM
Thank you all for the great comments. I happen to be very fond of her as well, now if I could just get the Joly portion of JolyJim to understand that she is harmless and not a deadly pit viper...Things would be perfect! lol

08-10-05, 06:35 PM
Thank you all for the great comments. I happen to be very fond of her as well, now if I could just get the Joly portion of JolyJim to understand that she is harmless and not a deadly pit viper...Things would be perfect! lol

:p i had the same prob with alot of my familly but now they lo-ur....never mind :p