View Full Version : Anyone keeping Prehensile tailed skinks?

07-25-05, 08:22 PM
Hi, I am just wondering how many people are working with Prehensile Tailed Skinks, Corucia Zebrata in Canada, I know of a couple of people out there but I am really curious as to how many PTS there are up here.


07-26-05, 07:53 PM
notice how your alone on this devon? Its because you own all of them in the countrey! lol

08-09-05, 07:25 AM
I used to own one several years ago, when they were still more affordable. He was a doll. His name was George and he was an interesting little guy. I miss him.

08-11-05, 09:48 AM
Little Ray's has 3 in ottawa. And i saw one for sale at SuperPet not too long ago.


08-12-05, 06:54 PM
I had kept a few for quite awhile a few years back,sold them to a friend (who still has them and acctually had success breeding them with one baby ) I regret selling them,they are really interesting to watch,some have devilish attitudes and a bite from one of these guys is like slamming your hand in a car door ..with teeth!while others are quite easy to handle.They do have the odd and rather gross nature of eating their own droppings though,, :medpuke: they are harder to find now,but i have seen a few for sale in a local pet shop recently.

08-14-05, 02:30 PM
I wonder where the pet shops are getting them. I have managed to get my collection up to 3.6 hoping for some babies all unrelated as well so any babies can form a new group.


08-14-05, 02:32 PM
testdrivehemi, I have never noticed them eating there own droppings, although they may do it.


08-14-05, 03:25 PM
I used to have a monkeytail skink which i named Miss. MonkeyTail, however i sold "her" to a friend of mine who had a colony. She turned out to be a male. WHOOPS!! He has a bunch of them and they have bred and everything!