View Full Version : Cone Headed Lizards/Laemanctus longipes HELP!!!

07-25-05, 07:31 PM
My idiotic friends invested in a Cone-headed Lizard. They bought it from a ****** little pet store and have no informartion at all. I have found very little on it over the net. I need help. Because Im the only one who has any experiance in herps their trusting me to help them.. YAY PRESURE! -growls- anyways, Help would be greatly loved

07-25-05, 11:21 PM
I don't know how much help this is, but its about the only thing I've found about Conehead lizards that looks like it is of any use. http://www.centralpets.com/php/search/storiesdisplay.php?Story=254
Good luck with that and I'll keep my eye open for other stuff.

Travis & Kerry