07-22-05, 11:41 AM
Well, my deal came through and well, I'm speechless to this snake. I got the Anery Green Anaconda I mentioned in the last post of mine. The snake itself if stunning, and I couldn't believe it, but it's tame, even after being shipped, not one snap. It did open its mouth and try to latch on one time that way, but that still counts as tame to me! It is very small though, I was thinking about putting it in my 4' cage, but I'm really worried about stressing it out, think I should keep it in a little bit smaller for awhile? The 4' has a humidity hut and a waterbowl in it. Think he will be alright, or think I should move him into smaller? I'm praying he will feed, he is to the point of tame that it makes me worried about feeding repsonse. The guy said he was feeding fine, and he actually took a frozen, but I'm thinking he might be too young for frozen and I might want to try a live? I'm pretty sure I know all of this information already, but I want to be 1000% sure, because this snake is not going to be lost in my hands, lol! Anyways, how about the pics now.:) by the way, sorry about him with the papershreds, I couldn't get them off of him.
Also, I found out that my Amazon Tree Boa is doing A LOT better now, so here are couple pics of her.:)
Thanks for looking!
Also, I found out that my Amazon Tree Boa is doing A LOT better now, so here are couple pics of her.:)
Thanks for looking!