View Full Version : Winnipeg-Gotta love this city.

07-17-05, 04:30 PM

Photo's I took this morning after our destructive storm lastnight. These photo's were taken in my area, Doesnt happen too often to I decided to snap some photo's......... who knows what the other parts of the city holds.

EDIT: Here's another link.....


Enjoy, we all are....

07-17-05, 05:12 PM
Man, that tree on the top right is sick. That's really sad though, my uncle's house was nearly destroyed in last fall's flooding. He was right on the Delaware. His whole house has to be remodled. Anyway, hope everything is fixed and cleared away fairly quick.

07-17-05, 06:06 PM
crazy man !! don't think that many trees got hit around here. heard stories of knee deep water and people canoeing down streets. it was quite the night!!

07-17-05, 06:10 PM
Crazy, man! My power flickered off a few times but that’s about it. A few trees in the neighborhood went down but nothing major. :)

Nice pics! :)

07-17-05, 06:45 PM
Karate Chop!!!

07-17-05, 08:27 PM
crazy rich! I wish I had thought of taking pics. Westwood got hit pretty bad lol
one whole section of my street had three feet of water for almost a block.
just on my street alone I think pretty much every big tree had damage.

awsome pics


07-17-05, 08:37 PM
You guys got hammered in the city. I was away this weekend, but it looks like Steinbach was spared this time.

Those storms that hit a couple of weeks ago hammered us pretty hard though. We had a tree about 4 feet in diameter 4 houses down from us get hit by lightening and basically explode the tree into the middle of the street. It was crazy.

Hopefully our weather starts to normalize a little bit pretty soon.


07-17-05, 11:35 PM
Yea it was pretty bad. I was out driving at 2am and had to swerve around trash cans and other flying objects...it was unreal. Lucky it was a short drive.

I took pictures because...this kinda thing just doesnt happen too often. Feel sorry for the city worker haha. Get to work boys!

Wasnt any reported casualties...so, I guess thats a good thing!.

07-17-05, 11:38 PM
On another note, its a good thing my power was out during the final days of incubation, they pipped this morning. Maybe it was a wake-up call.

Lastnight pearing off the balcony.....reminded me of the movie 'War of the Worlds' lol

07-18-05, 07:35 AM
It storms like that here all of the time. Though it is something that does not botther me, until someone gets hurt. From the pictures it looks like it was a very bad storm, I am glad you made it out okay.

07-18-05, 12:50 PM
Went out this morning....and its nice too see the city workers actually working! Went for a more wide spread drive and im seeing more and more damage. Just outside city limits (St John's) there is over 10 powerlines in a row laying down! I'll bring my camera when I head there this afternoon to pickup the gf.

I seem a little 'too interested' in mass destruction...lol
