View Full Version : Got eggs?

07-17-05, 03:09 PM
I certainly do. Today I found a baby brev in my 29g enclosure. This breeding group hasn’t produced any eggs/babies until today. After pulling the baby out I decided to do an egg hunt and found 24 eggs – and that’s just what I found in one area of the enclosure. One of these eggs is releasing fluid so it most likely will hatch in the next day or two. I now have well over 40 brev eggs - most are fertile too.



07-17-05, 03:30 PM
wow roo thats awsome your so lucky

good luck with them

any chance of you sending some my way?



07-17-05, 10:02 PM
OMG Roo that is crazy lol haha your a Brev machine

07-18-05, 10:52 AM
wow! that's incredible!

07-18-05, 11:49 AM
Well I found more eggs and babies this morning. As much as I would like to send some off to Canada (b/c I love Canadians), it really would be a major pain in a$$ with paper work, etc - and were just talking brevs here.
