View Full Version : Central American Boa

07-14-05, 02:50 PM
Many of you may have heard about me purchasing a burmese python, this fell through as the pet store did not get him in when they were supposed to. I am now looking into Central American Boa's. A local pet store has them for $69.99 right now, the babies are very small and dark. Could someone offer some advice on this species, I have kept many reptiles in the past and can handle a boa, though only have kept python species in the past. Any advice is appreciated.

07-14-05, 04:05 PM
my only advice would be find a breeder.. dont deal with the pet store..

where in the USA are you located... i have a book right infront of me with some breeders and stuff.. maybe i can direct you somewhere..

07-14-05, 04:18 PM
If you want a boa, I would suggest a BCI. They are such amazing boas, and most are extremely docile. They run from about $75-125 depending on where you get them. Jeff Ronne is one of the best IMO.....also Tom McCarthy is a great guy. I havent bought from either of them, but if I decide to get a boa they would be my firist choices.

07-14-05, 05:31 PM
Texarkana, TX (75503).

07-14-05, 07:21 PM
I would suggest signing up on www.redtailboa.net because there are more american members there who would be able to help u.

07-18-05, 08:23 AM
Thanks, though the members at sSnakeSs are just as capable. Thank you all for your help :)

07-18-05, 08:36 AM
Hmm decided to make a whole new thread to address this, in the end Rikki, if you do youy research, the animanl is healthy and staff good. Buy the snake.

07-18-05, 08:40 AM
Hmm decided to make a whole new thread to address this, in the end Rikki, if you do youy research, the animanl is healthy and staff good. Buy the snake.
Yes, because it is a entire different discussion.

08-17-05, 03:08 AM
If you want a boa, I would suggest a BCI.

A Central American Boa is a Boa constrictor imperator (Bci).