View Full Version : Navigation Problems

07-13-05, 08:18 AM
I'm having problems getting to the Forums. The Main page says Welcome dannyc. When I click the button at the top either Reptile Forums or sSNAKESs the page opens and says Welcome Guest and wont let me log in. The only way I can get to the forums is to go to User Control Panel and use the drop down list.


07-13-05, 08:20 AM
why not just type in: http://ssnakess.com/forums ?

07-13-05, 08:45 AM
I thought the webmaster might like to know the buttons aren't working correctly. Why have buttons if they log you out and don't recoginize you anymore. Or do these buttons take you to different forums site?

07-13-05, 08:57 AM
The buttons are working fine for me.