View Full Version : Mugshot Thread!

07-12-05, 09:11 PM
Its been awhile since I've been on here, and I see alot of of new members so I thought it'd be a neat idea to post some mugshots.


Theres mine...it was hot out....and the cigarette.....I'm cutting down :confused:

Hope to see alot of you guys!


Don Meyer

07-13-05, 03:39 PM
There is already a topic about this but...anyways....


Marlboro Milds and Reds for me. only the best :)

07-13-05, 04:19 PM
neither of you are even old enough to smoke.. isnt the age in US 21..

here i am.. last winter. but its the most recent i have


07-13-05, 04:23 PM
The US age is 18, which I am not, though if you want something; you will get it.

07-13-05, 06:05 PM
to buy smokes in USA its 18???

07-13-05, 06:35 PM
There is already a topic about this but...anyways...

Marlboro Milds and Reds for me. only the best :)

For one american smokes stink, and for two at you age you might as well quit.. Its not worth smoking it cost tons of money and is unhealthy. And since you are young you should think about not smoking now.. It doesnt make you " cool " if you smoke IMO


07-13-05, 06:38 PM
agreed.. quit while your ahead.. your not cool if you smoke.. and this is commin from a smoker.. you can still do it.. im tryin.. so you should to..

07-13-05, 06:42 PM
I also used to smoke at a younger age and quit, I dont know why I just did and I am thankful I did.. Now its just one more type of smoke I got to quit..LOL


07-13-05, 06:44 PM
your backwards.. i quit that years ago.. lol

07-13-05, 10:46 PM
Whoa...when did this turn into a health discussion? For one I am 17, you can hold cigarettes at 16 in the US, you must be 18 to buy them. I do not smoke to be "cool." COnsidering I smoke mainly in the confinements of my own home, when nobody else is around except my parents. I dont think I have to explain this though honestly, how about we just get back to the topic of Mugshots.

PeterM - Your lip ring is pretty cool....I'm planning on getting one in a few months actually. I found a really good tattoo artist that does piercings as well near me.

Jadkins - American smokers? What does our country have to do with anything. And from you post...I take it you toke up? If you read, one marijuana cigarette is equal to 20 tobacco cigarettes. And dont post trying to tell me "oh no mj is alot less harmful than cigs." Because it isn't. I was in outpatient rehab for that and a few others, I quit everything except for cigarettes apparently though.

Rikki - Newports for me....Marlboros when theyre available :) I'm a menthol smoker =P

07-14-05, 12:08 AM
Milds got the Methol. Second, I dont do it to be 'cool', it calms my nerves and taste good.

07-14-05, 03:49 AM
Thats just friggin gross.....
I friggin hate seein lil kids smoking... Frig me.

Do somthing else than that...get a damn tatto or percing.. :medopen:

Be different or whatever... Everyone friggin smokes.. It will cost you a lotta cash that you coulda have put towards your herps ^^

07-14-05, 01:06 PM
How am I a lil kid....you make me sound like I'm 12. I'll be legally allowed to buy in under 5 months.

Jesus.....how about you gys worry about yourselfs

07-14-05, 01:10 PM
I have been smoking for one year, I understand it is not one of the best things to do in the world, though I am trying to stop, or at least cut back, I only smoke 4 times a day or less. Don is most certainly lot a little kid, and I do not consider my self one either, being nearly 16. I am going to try to stop....One day...

07-14-05, 04:26 PM
Jadkins - American smokers? What does our country have to do with anything. And from you post...I take it you toke up? If you read, one marijuana cigarette is equal to 20 tobacco cigarettes. And dont post trying to tell me "oh no mj is alot less harmful than cigs." Because it isn't. I was in outpatient rehab for that and a few others, I quit everything except for cigarettes apparently though.

For one I wasnt taking to you, For Two a Said American SMOKES stink not smokers.. So maybe you should ready better.. And MJ = 20 cigs is BS it and old rumour.

An out patient for MJ, ha ha its not even a drug..

So before you get all lippy you should find out who I was talking to.. IE Rikki And It was a suggestion to him and not you..


07-14-05, 05:08 PM
one marijuana cigarette is equal to 20 tobacco cigarettes.

LOL if you say so pal!!

07-14-05, 05:30 PM
Honestly I think weed is not very harmful to the body, my aunt who is a nurse has stated it does not have many affects on your health.

07-14-05, 06:21 PM
Well you guys cant sit around and tell me to like it eather.. Wonderful thing about forums. :)
Trust me.. If i was there i'd call you a gross lil kid too :)

Geeze... Dont get too upset from one lil word now.. Go on smoke up. Blah..

I nearly lost my dad at 32 from throat cancer, my mum sounds like she is dying everymoring because she started at 16 .. Ehh.. both of them wish they could quit..

But they do what they want i suppose Just like you guys will too :D

07-14-05, 06:36 PM
I have been smoking for one year, I understand it is not one of the best things to do in the world, though I am trying to stop, or at least cut back, I only smoke 4 times a day or less. Don is most certainly lot a little kid, and I do not consider my self one either, being nearly 16. I am going to try to stop....One day...

why stop another day? yea it may calm yur nerves but takes away years....

07-14-05, 08:03 PM
This thread should be changed to Smoker? True/False.

07-14-05, 08:34 PM
LoL ok ok...
Here is muh scary mug. :)

07-14-05, 10:23 PM
For one I wasnt taking to you, For Two a Said American SMOKES stink not smokers.. So maybe you should ready better.. And MJ = 20 cigs is BS it and old rumour.

An out patient for MJ, ha ha its not even a drug..

So before you get all lippy you should find out who I was talking to.. IE Rikki And It was a suggestion to him and not you..


Whoops I made a mistake on the smokes thing.....and HAHA outpatient not for MJ...you are extremely hardheaded and inconsiderate i see...so Im done talking about this issue with you.

07-14-05, 10:25 PM
LOL if you say so pal!!

Okay buddy!!!!!

I love how people think they know it all...when I was told this by an MD.

Later...this thread is pointless anymore. Its ashame I cant post a mugshot without getting bitched at for having a flipping cigarette in my hand.

Mark Dorion is right.....this place has gone downhill.

07-15-05, 12:07 AM
since this seems to now be the smokers forum :) iv been smoking for 3 years and its a waste of $ :) id quit if i could but its better smoking then doing hard drugs.. u gota substitute 1 bad habit with another one :p anyway id post my pic but sum1 has to explain to do it on this site

Boy Wonder
07-15-05, 03:07 AM
Okay buddy!!!!!

I love how people think they know it all...when I was told this by an MD.

lol I'm sure they tell dopesick teens all kinds of things in rehab to deter them from doing drugs and smoking 'mj' in the future. I don't know for sure and I by no means think I "know it all," but I really do not think that statement sounds very realistic.

Either way it's all horrible for you. I'm in the process of quitting smoking right now and I'm starting to feel alot better.. ;)

This is my new user name.
mods feel free to terminate the 'munchy' account if you wish. I requested a name change recently and got no response..

07-15-05, 05:15 AM
Hey good luck to you buddy :) Its not an easy thing to do at all...

07-18-05, 08:12 AM
since this seems to now be the smokers forum :) iv been smoking for 3 years and its a waste of $ :) id quit if i could but its better smoking then doing hard drugs.. u gota substitute 1 bad habit with another one :p anyway id post my pic but sum1 has to explain to do it on this site

Exactly, it is better that doing hard drugs, which I dont do.

07-31-05, 11:52 AM
Either way it's all horrible for you. I'm in the process of quitting smoking right now and I'm starting to feel alot better.. ;)

Man you can do it.... I quit cold turkey after 14 years, been almost 5 months now, I can actually run more then 5 feet without wanting to die! lol And for Boids and Riki... you might as well try now opposed to later. Trust me!!

EDIT: I guess I should leave a pic seeing as thats what the thred was all about in the first place... lol


08-11-05, 03:20 PM
I don't like bringing up old posts, but i found a link that sheads some light on the wacky tobaccy. http://www.mjpartywest.ca/marijuana-facts/. I think its pretty interesting.

08-24-05, 02:17 AM


king nick
08-24-05, 08:59 AM
me and sassy...


08-25-05, 04:08 AM
alrighty, ill stay on top of the main subject with my mug shot lol and add that i was a smoker of 3 yrs, quit just recently for my g/f lol, but i'm sure as hell glad i did, anyways hope my pic is good enough, didnt take too long to run a search on google:medclown:

08-27-05, 07:10 AM
Me at the comp