View Full Version : panther mating

07-12-05, 01:00 PM

This topic was discussed earlier and was wondering if anyone really knows an answer.....How do you get a male panther to mate with the female while she is receptive. Is it good to keep them together until the female becomes nonreceptive or periodically expose the two every day? The male in my case seems to just ignor the female. He has mated before but won't do it again. Should I buy a different male or is there some way to induce the mating. I have tried mirrors to show competition and other things but they just don't work. Does the female size compared to the male make a difference?


07-12-05, 06:39 PM
yea dude ive had the same probleme just recently.
And now my female is gravid with what im pretty sure is infertile eggs.
I'm not 100% because i did leave them alone for about three hours one day when i was fed-up with him not responding to anything.

But from what people told me the best thing to do is trying introducing them everyday that she is showing receptive colours untill you get a response from the male. It's frustrating but sometimes they just dont want to mate apperantly.

hope someone else can help you out more.

good luck


07-13-05, 12:16 AM
Check husbandry. Temps, humidity, everything. A trick that worked for me(different species) was a good long misting. 15 + min. Let it rain for a while and then see if there is interest.

Good luck.

07-13-05, 05:31 AM
I heard of someone making a cricket run past the two chameleons, that helped them numerous times.