View Full Version : sand gecko

07-11-05, 10:01 PM
i am getting a sand gecko in a few days i was looking for info about them online but i didnt find too many great sites if any1 has any information about them that would help me out i would really appreaciate it :medbugged :medbigsmi

07-11-05, 10:12 PM

I had a pair of sand geckos a few years ago..I'll try to find you a few caresheets when i get home from work. One thing you should keep in mind if you are going to house them in a tank with silicone is that mine could climb up and slip through the screened top. (the top had larger holes..) so you'll wanna make sure you get a fine screen mesh on top.

Another thing i found hard was watering them and finding small enough crix! .....Never did work out a good way for that. Make sure you find a good pinhead crix supplier for sure :)

Good luck with your little guys... they are incrediably awesome to keep.

07-11-05, 10:16 PM
i actualy have a nice container for them kinda like a rubermaid i found with my other gecko that it sees its reflection in the glass and rubs against it so i dont wanna use a tank. i know a few places where i can get pinheads. main thing though is i dont know too much about them aside from what conditions they need and basics i was wondering if there was any special info i should know about from some1 that has kept them b4

07-12-05, 12:24 AM
Ya my horned toad lizzard does that... Lots of head bobbing when he/she see's her reflection lol

Here is a sheet i found, i hope it helps you out some :)