View Full Version : Quick Photoshoot

Betty Miskie
07-10-05, 01:55 PM
Decided to get the camera out and take some pics today. These are some of our hatchlings this year.

A Pair from Pogo and Fudgio

The blurry one (from above)

A Pair from Reesie and Fudgio

Hope you enjoyed the pics!!!

07-10-05, 02:25 PM
Them's some pritty geckos!!!!!

That last pic is just cute!! As soon as we saw it both Fran and I fell in love.

07-10-05, 06:16 PM
Great looking cresties as always Betty! That last one is priceless:)

07-10-05, 06:48 PM
nice pics.. out of curosity are these pics taken outside.. it looks like outdoor patio stones and wood you have them on..

Betty Miskie
07-10-05, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the compliments! The picture of the two from Reesie actually just turned two months old and already weighing 7 grams each. I do believe that they are taking after their Mommy as she is the one that weighs in at over 60 grams (not gravid). Needless to say, structure wise, they will definitely be hold backs as I am working on structured cresties (crowned, big overall appearance, thick tails).
Peterm15: All our pictures are took in the house on slate with flourescent lighting above them for good lighting.

07-11-05, 10:30 AM
Very nice Betty! Can I have them all?
hee hee

07-11-05, 12:55 PM
Lol! I love the last one! Thats the biggest smile I have ever seen! Very photogenic.