View Full Version : Dull looking scales

07-09-05, 10:58 AM
I purchased a ball python about a week ago. A few days ago I noticed that some of the scales on it's back were dull looking, but just random ones. They seemed to be getting worse, so I took it back to the pet store I purchased it from, and they think it might have scale rot. All the information I have found about scale rot looks like it's mainly the belly scales, not the back of the snake. Anyone have a clue about what it could be, and what would have caused this?

I also have another BP who was in the same tank with that one, and is healthy.

07-09-05, 11:24 AM
Dull looking? Maybe it missed some scales while in shed. I never had to deal with scale rot, so I honestly cant say if its that or not. Pictures might be helpful though.


Don Meyer

07-09-05, 11:34 AM
I don't think it had ever shed yet. It looked perfect when I got it. Just noticed in the morning that some of it's scales were dull. Thought maybe it was a sign it was going to shed, but I guess I was wrong.

07-09-05, 11:44 AM
Well of course they shed after birth......check the belly. Is the color normal? What about the eyes? Usually you can notice a pink hue before shed. What is your humidity at also?

07-09-05, 12:22 PM
Humidity is at about 50, belly looked a little pink and eyes were normal.

07-09-05, 12:26 PM
Hmmm....I really can't give you any straight anwser without pictures. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

07-09-05, 12:31 PM
Thanks for trying.

07-09-05, 03:39 PM
my last snake had that, i returned him and he died a day later...

07-09-05, 05:38 PM
How soon is it due for a shed? might just shed out, who knows. If it seems to get bad...take it to the vet..or return the animal to the petstore...maybe trade for a healthier one.

Also, being as this snake has this...and is getting worse...I highly suggest you separate the snakes from each other. Good practice to stick with.

07-09-05, 10:35 PM
Have you tried soaking him in warm water? Try doing that or using a warm/wet rag and wiping him down. Hope that helps.

Kathy Shaw
07-11-05, 09:31 AM
Need more detail?
How old is it?
A little pink on the belly sounds like it is getting ready to shed. Or it is getting burnt make sure your temps are right Room temp around 80 and hot spot 90-95 preferably by an under tank heater.
Are they just random scales a little dull?
Are the scales dry or wet?
I have a few snakes that have random dull scales I have not figured out if they are missing scales or scales that are fasten down tight to the skin but they seem to go away after shed.

I have had snakes come in with scale rot it has been on the belly and had like gunky stuff under them.

Unless you are returning the snake I would not take it into the pet store ... you run a risk of it picking up mites or sickness.
If you must take them in see if they will come out to the car and look at it. Have them wash their hands first maybe even take you own bottle of hand sanitizer.

07-11-05, 10:11 PM
Well Scale Rot , what I have heard is on the belly, I dont think it would be that on the "back". Maybe they were feeding live most pet stores do its fast to get them on. When you feed live the mice some-times bite the snakes scales, that might be it. If they were kinda chiped off. I would take it to the vet if it looks like scale rot, a freind of mines died because of it. OR it could just be shedding so I wouldnt worry just yet, it might just be that. When the Eyes go murky blue its normly just sheding, the belly scales WILL go pink..


07-12-05, 10:46 PM

if it looks anything like that it is just retained shed and will fix itself with propar humidity during the next shed. if not than i dunno.

07-16-05, 10:12 AM
That didnt really look like just retained shed.......if it is black take it to the vet BLACK that is..

07-19-05, 01:39 AM
ditto what snake eyes said on separating your snakes! Snakes are solitary creatures, and separation prevents the sharing of any contagious diseases or pathogens, as well as preventing any uncontrolled breeding, which is unhealthy and dangerous.